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Search Results for: blogger tips

Help and Tips for Windows Live Spaces Bloggers: Modules, Albums, Widgets, and Lists

I’ve been reading about a lot of the challenges facing Windows Live Spaces bloggers transitioning to I feel for you all. You’ve done great work on your Windows Live Spaces blogs and now Microsoft is ending the program. Fortunately, instead of just shutting things down, they are giving bloggers six months to change and […]

Weekly Digest: End of Two Months of Guest Bloggers, More WordPress Tips, and Heading to Reno, Israel, and Seattle

This weekend is the last of the two month celebration of the two year anniversary of and this blog. For the past two months, I’ve opened this blog up to guest bloggers from around the blogosphere, sharing their thoughts and expertise on blogging and WordPress tips and techniques. It has been amazing. I’ve learned […]

Weekly Digest: WordPress Tips Month, Grateful to Guest Bloggers, WordPress 2.3

We are down to the last week of the two months of guest blogging fun celebrating the two year anniversary of and this blog. This month is dedicated to WordPress tips and has been stuffed with a ton of tips, techniques, resources, and news about WordPress by myself and my fabulous guest bloggers. I’d […]

Weekly Digest: WordPress Tips, Guest Bloggers Party On, and More WordPress and Blogging Fun

There are less than three weeks left as part of the two months of guest blogging fun celebrating the two year anniversary of and this blog. This month is dedicated to WordPress tips. This is the Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress. To subscribe to the Weekly Digest category of Lorelle on WordPress, you […]

Weekly Digest: Problogger Guest Blogging, Speaking at WordCamp, Blogathon, Parties, and Blogging Tips

The Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress this week features guest blogging on Problogger, some great feedback on some posts I’ve written recently, more wonderful reviews and recommendations of my new book (they are going fast – get your order in now!), and getting ready for WordCamp next month! Don’t forget, you can subscribe to […]

Update on My Blogging Tips Book: What Bloggers Won’t Tell You About Blogging

My new book, Blogging Tips, What Blogger’s Won’t Tell You About Blogging, is getting great coverage and is flying out the door faster than we can keep up with the orders. This is a limited printing and with the reduced introductory price, they are selling fast. Get your order in now before we run out […]

Google Gives Tips to Eastern European Bloggers

While most of us living in a higher tech world should know these things, in honor of the expansion of Google into Eastern Europe, the Google Webmaster Central blog offers advice and tips for Eastern European webmasters and bloggers. In 2006 we ramped up on international webmaster issues and particularly tried to support Eastern Europe. […]

Bloggers Share Step-by-Step Tips for Increasing Blog Usability

Twenty Usability Tips for Your Blog — Condensed from Dozens of Bloggers’ Experiences is a great step-by-step guide on how to improve the usability of your blog, and improve your visitor’s experience. I’m particularly fond of the About Page point. 😉 But I also have long been a fan of “Archive by Topic Not Date” […]

Chitika Blog Bash: A Month of Probloggers Offering Expert Tips

The Chitika Blog Bash, 30 days of posts by blogging pros, is almost over and the articles have been fantastic. Here is just a sampling: Help me, my mom is my blog’s only reader!-By Darren Rowse Finding Your Direction with Google Analytics -By Dan Allen Staying connected: The secret to keeping those loyal readers –By […]

CopyBlogger: Zen Blogging Tips

CopyBlogger offers “Zen and the Art of Remarkable Blogging, a must-read. How should I convince you to leave my blog right now and read this? How about this: Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers. Incentive enough? Don’t worry, I’ll still be here when you […]

Micro Persuasion’s Hot Tips for Bloggers

Micro Persuasion recently wrote “Ten Blogging Hacks”, which isn’t a good title as the tools and techniques he offers are more tools and techniques rather than hacks, but it’s still worth exploring. He recommends blogging with Writely, an online word processor which will also allow you to write blog posts and post them to Blogger, […]

Bloggers Can Learn from Tips for Law Firm Bloggers – Small Firm Business’ article called “Ten Ways Blogs Boost a Law Firm’s Image” isn’t just for law blogs or bloggers. When done right, blogs are an informative, vibrant calling card that represents you to the world. When done wrong, blogs are a chore and unwelcome expense, and produce little return on your effort. […]

How to Write Good – Tips For Bloggers on Blogging

Griffinopolis’s article on “How to Blog Good” takes on one of my favorite subjects: how blogging is about writing and content not just about bells and whistles. One thing that struck me about many of the articles I was reading is that, while very helpful, they were primarily concenred with the mechanics of blogging. This […]

Pro Blogging Tips from ProBlogger – Blogging to Success

Darren Rowse’s 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Headquarters on ProBlogger is a must read for anyone interested in taking their blog to the TOP level, not just the next level. Rowse spent 31 days plus blogging on a wide range of amazing tips, techniques, and resources you need to know to maximize your […]

Speed Blogging Tips and Techniques

The following are the workshop notes for my popular workshop on “Speed Blogging.” The workshop is designed to teach how to take charge of your website and keep the content flowing with enthusiasm over the long term by learning the shortcuts, tips, and techniques to speed up the process of blogging, allowing your blog to […]