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Blog Challenge: Write a Political Post

This week’s blog challenge is:

Write a political blog post.

Studs Terkel recently referred to the United States as having “National Alzheimer’s Disease”, forgetting their past so they can not only repeat their mistakes, but regressing back to the childhood stages, losing all the benefits of its amazing “growth”, both as a society and government. In other words, Americans have become politically apathetic.

It’s time we started fighting back against this new disease and put some political butt-kicking into our blogs with the rights we have called “freedom of speech” – besides, it’s political season in the United States and everyone, inside and outside the states, has an opinion on the next whack—president of the powerhouse that used to be the United States of America.

Political writing isn’t about ranting. It is often filled with colorful adjectives and references, vibrant metaphors and similes, helping the writer get the reader’s ruffles up. There are plays on words, innuendos, and loads of satire.

Verbal and physical satire is easy to do. A wink, grin, or other body expression can convey whole paragraphs of opinions about what is being said. Written satire is much harder, and more often misunderstood as the words struggle to convey their message on the page or screen.

Political blogging can involve conspiracies, or taking a firm stance on one side of the fence, or even straddling it, trying to give both sides of the issue. Either way, it means writing about politics and how they impact our day-to-day lives, now and in the future.

My Scribbles’ “American’s Dirtiest Open Secret” is a good example of clean, clear, and specific political writing, pointing out the facts very plainly.

L. Ron Hubbard’s Mission Earth series, Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, Norman Cousins, Tom Lehrer, the music and performance group Capitol Steps, and The Colbert Report are examples of well-known political satire and commentary. Even Michael Moore, whose naive bumbling character is easily dismissed by millions, his political views are famous as he uses it expertly and subtly in blog, books and movies.

There are also many serious political bloggers out there, reporting on the news, events, and offering their opinions on what is happening in politics today and in the past. Examples include:

Since politics are the news of the day, why not try your hand at blogging the political way.

These are published weekly and are an attempt to kick your blogging ass. They serve to challenge your thinking and efforts in blogging and blog writing. To participate, start challenging yourself now. Today. Go for it.

Past Blogging Challenges

Member of the 9Rules Blogging Network

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Copyright Lorelle VanFossen, member of the 9Rules Network, and author of Blogging Tips, What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging.


  1. Posted December 6, 2007 at 7:45 am | Permalink

    What a coincidence. I just decided to use my politics tag on a post for only the third time ever.

  2. fsk2006
    Posted December 6, 2007 at 5:34 pm | Permalink

    Here’s some recent politics posts from my blog:

    More Subprime Theft

    Real GDP Growth Has Been Negligible

    Beware of Libertarian Red Market Agents

  3. Posted December 6, 2007 at 7:54 pm | Permalink

    Next time you run into Studs, tell him I just grabbed one of his old paperbacks about the Depression off a free stand on the street. He’ll be glad to know it’s still circulating.
    It probably isn’t fair for me to even participate in this since about 30% of my main blog is political and it all has a social conscious. Plus, I write for a purely political blog in Philadelphia several times a week and an eco blog. What the heck? I’ll give you one of each.
    Right to protest — maybe we have it good here?

    Pres. Bush’s deal with the industry or Why-BradyDale- Should-Stop -With-The-Optimism


    Eva Mendes Gets Right While New York City Gets Righter

  4. Posted December 10, 2007 at 1:34 pm | Permalink

    I dabble with political/social writing on my blog, and I think that you are right when you say more people need to be blogging more about politics, especially since this is the political season in the US and the only way we are going to change anything is by using our rights to free speech and public discourse. It will not be an easy or quick process, but it is essential to this thing we call democracy.

  5. Posted December 16, 2007 at 8:43 am | Permalink

    I never thought to enter into the ring my own political opinion. Computer illiterate as I am, I don’t even know if this is the place and/or means of doing so. I think I’ll feel better anyway, so here goes-

    There is no political candidate running who is better situated than Hillary Clinton to re-establish and re-build communication and respect for America in the world community which has been so badly tarnished and damaged under the current Republican regime.
    Secondly, the fact that Obama has used cocaine in the past is, in my opinion, entirely relevant to the political process, and not as a dirty tactic. I, for one, want to be informed of any candidates, addictive personality. Next, Huckabee may be a preacher, but, like many other christians these days poorly represents that demographic. It is a fact that he sued his former Texarkana congregation for continued health coverage after abandoning his flock. Are these the christian values we as nation wish to portray? These type of un-christian actions by professed christians is part of the issue in foreign diplomacy that has given America and Americans such a bad name in that arena! Lastly, why can’t we all admit that this country is nothing more than a capatalist society and a democracy in name only?

    Thank you for allowing me to vent.


  6. Posted March 30, 2008 at 3:01 pm | Permalink

    This is an earnest question. I would like someone to explain to me why when a black person calls another person a “nigger” the media, and society as well does not view this as a racist epithet. In fact society is an autonomy preceived, diametrically wielding a sword of susceptance to quickly condone or ostracize. The focus remains on the individual and not the act of the horrific epithet leveled. My premise is this, any person who uses such condemning language is guilty of the same offense, regardless of their ethnic or genetic orientation. When responsibility and acceptance are shouldered with the heart as well as the mind then and only then can this society move on to it’s envisioned placed as Dr. King saw it.

  7. Moises
    Posted September 6, 2008 at 2:54 am | Permalink

    I just wanted to share my insight on the entire presidential campaign. I just wanted to point out some necessary things. I think by now its important that both sides stop staying why you shouldn’t vote for the other guy, instead they should tell us what they plan to do. McCain and Palin claim to bring change but when McCain agrees with Bush 95% of the time during voting. What kind of change can we expect? I believe McCain will bring a change, with his current views and decision making. He will change our economy, worsening it more and more. He would change unemployment, taking it to an all time high. As for Palin, she was a mayor of less than 10,000 people. How much experience does she really have, she has no room to be criticizing anyone on experience…


    …The economy should be the focus, not don’t vote for the other guy. I’m not trying to sway anyones vote, all I’m saying is vote for someone you want in office and not to vote against someone based on what the other guy says…

  8. Posted September 6, 2008 at 8:28 am | Permalink

    @ Moises:

    Thank you for your political insights, however, these challenges are meant to be written on your blog. While I appreciate you using this blog as a platform for your views, your comment isn’t inline with the challenge. If you do not have blog, I recommend as they are free and easy to use, and this blog is hosted by them. If I can use it, anyone can. 😀


  9. crazy rebel7
    Posted September 29, 2008 at 10:52 am | Permalink

    I have personally written to many political blogs but this one caught my interest cause of all the noobs, so here it goes! One of the most hotly debated politiccal topics of our day is the legal drinking age. Recently raised to 21 we all must question ourselves. Has this policy worked? My opinion is NO! The fact is man can not help but rebel against the goverment its in our nature. Try as they might the goverment cannot stop young adults from illegaly obtaining alchohol. But what if they could? would it work? 21 is long after most americans obtain a drivers license thus they feel confident about their driving and dont believe alchohol will seriously hinder them, causing them to excesively drink and then drive which is how most drinking deaths occur. I would suggest that wer lower the age to at least 15 thus giving people experience on the effects of alchohol before they can drive!

  10. crazy rebel7
    Posted September 29, 2008 at 10:55 am | Permalink

    p.s. lorelle my internet blocks me from making a blog hope that you dont mind if i use this one:)

  11. Posted August 19, 2010 at 8:32 am | Permalink

    Yeah, political blogs can be very “hot” especially if it has some “conspiracies” in it though it can be very challenging as well since it requires alot of research. Thanks for these examples of political bloggers to inspire me! 😀

  12. Sadie K.
    Posted October 22, 2012 at 11:46 am | Permalink

    Responding to the first paragraph: I was recently at a Native American International Caucus hosted in Georgia, and a Native American professor from Princeton spoke to us about America’s lack of recognizing the past that we need to. He refered it to “The United States of Amnesia”. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love America as much as any other citizen does, and am extremely proud of all of our accomplishments, BUT I do have to agree with this statement. We do need to wake up and recognize the past so we may move on with our future.

    • Posted October 22, 2012 at 3:11 pm | Permalink

      Thank you for your commentary. Remember that these blog challenges are meant to be written on your own site, encouraging you to blog better and on topics you might not consider. While discussions about blog challenges on these posts is encouraged, the point is to start the conversation on your site with your audience, if applicable. Thanks!

  13. gary gentilini
    Posted January 10, 2015 at 1:35 pm | Permalink

    While I pretty much agree we have forgotten the past…I don’t agree that Americans in general are ‘politically apathetic’; naive perhaps, certainly disenchanted. Central Government and Congressional prowess in military matters when applied to post ‘military’ action has been misguided since Vietnam. Our military does not lose wars, our leadership is faulty. We worry too much about ‘exit strategy’ when in point of fact, exit strategy should merely apply to ‘exiting’ from initial landing to our goal of ultimate defeat of the enemy. You cannot manage an enemy, you must defeat your enemy. World opinion and political backlash when speaking about ‘occupation’ of conquered territories, is something we should ignore. If we put our young blood and treasure in harm’s way, we should dictate policy, put in a democratic form of government and tell the world to ‘shut their collective mouths’ or put up alone, e.g.- Japan. We occupied, changed the culture then gave back the country and look how remarkable Japan has turned out. We have been frightened of what others may say since Vietnam and as a result, the armies and lands we bring to freedom return to evil — #Isis Get a grip on reality America…thanks — Gary

    • Posted January 10, 2015 at 2:00 pm | Permalink

      Thank you for your opinion, however this challenge was designed to have you write this on your own site, not here. My blog challenges and exercises are designed to teach you to blog, not just comment. Thanks.

    • gary gentilini
      Posted January 11, 2015 at 10:46 am | Permalink

      Don’t post it then… you control your own blog…there are obvious reasons your recent comments are so outdated…I don’t need any training by you…perhaps you should consider completing your education, instead of complaining about others with vision. I will gladly unsubscribe…I find you boring.

      • Posted January 13, 2015 at 7:32 pm | Permalink

        I’m sorry if you misunderstood me. I wasn’t complaining, and as a college professor, I will always need more education. 😀 The Blog Challenges (from 2006-2008) and Exercises (2013-14) are not designed to promote comments about your subject, but to encourage you to be inspired to blog these on your own site. There was no malice or accusation, but an encouragement for you to share your thoughts and insights with your readers and develop your own community. If you would like to discuss how to do it here, that is welcome. Good luck with your blogging and self-publishing. It is clear that you have a strong vision, and I know that you will have luck finding a community with common interests.

7 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. […] that wants to try to improve their blogging skills. This week, the blogging challenge is about writing a political blog post. I don’t discuss politics that much because it’s no where near my area of knowledge but […]

  2. […] has set the challenge:Write a political post. This is a topic I tend to avoid as it has a tendency to bring out the combative side in people. […]

  3. […] an idea for you. Why don’t you take up the Lorelle on WordPress weekly challenge, which is to write about something political. It’ll revive your presidential […]

  4. […] Blog Challenge: Write a Political Post […]

  5. […] Blog Challenge: Write a Political Post […]

  6. […] Blog Challenge: Write a Political Post Protecting Cultural Heritage With Blogs […]

  7. […] Blog Challenge: Write a Political Post challenges readers to get a little political with their blogs and experiment with the art of political writing and commentary. […]

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