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Search Results for: blogging challenge

Blogging Challenge: If Your Blog Was a Movie

Your blog challenge this week is to describe your blog as if it were a synopsis for a movie you were trying to sell to the studios. How would you describe your blog as a movie? The guidelines are: The synopsis must not exceed 500 words, give or take. It must “sell” your blog as […]

Blogging Challenge: Blog Path Redirection

What did your first blog start out to be about? Did it have a plot and plan? What is is now? Did your blog take off in a new direction from your intention when you started blogging? Where did you start, and where did you dawdle along the way, and where have you ended up […]

Blogging Challenge: Favorite or Worst Writing Boo Boos

I have a horrible habit. It’s not really a habit as much as a constant boo boo. I type exceptionally fast and frequently hit the space bar before the letters slip off my fingers, creating memorable combinations of letters to spell “the” like hte, t he, theo, and eth? I’m also quite renown for quiet […]

Blogging Challenge: How far we’ve come and how far we have to go

I was in a Goodwill this morning, hunting up some warm clothes in order to survive in our new colder climate, and stumbled upon a 1969 Life Magazine issue featuring our first closeup photographs of the moon from the lunar space module, along with pictures of the “earthrise” in color, photographs that will be eternally […]

Blogging Challenge: Describe Sound

“Diamonds dipped in caramel.” That’s the lovely description of singer Ella Fitzgerald as described in a recent NPR’s All Things Considered program called “Vocal Impressions: Hearing Voices”. Several years ago, I had that last, long, wonderful father-and-daughter time as we went to look at colleges in the Northeast and decide which one had the most […]

Blogging Challenge: Who Is Your Favorite Sexy Blogger?

Wired has released their “Favorite Sexy Geek” list, and I couldn’t find a blogger on the list. So it made me wonder. Think back across the past year and your blogging challenges is to tell us who you think would be on your favorite sexy blogger list this year? Now, there are some guidelines. A […]

Blogging Challenge: Should All Business Professionals Blog?

The Learning Circuits Blog posted a “big question” for the month of October which asks people to respond to the question “should all learning professionals be blogging?” A lot of educators and others have responded, adding up to 26 at last count, all examining the issue thoroughly. It got me thinking about whether all professionals […]

Blogging Challenge: WordPress Treasure Hunt

Whether or not you are a fan of WordPress, this weeks’ Blogging Challenge should be great fun. This week, I’m sending you on a treasure hunt. Search the web for the best articles on the following WordPress-related topics. Below is a list of 100 WordPress-related topics. Your blogging challenge is to either post your answers […]

Blogging Challenge: Sneak Peek for Next Week

I’ve been hinting for weeks that a very fun Blog Challenge will be coming your way and next week is the week! Each week I release a blogging challenge for all bloggers, using WordPress and otherwise. The challenges are designed to help you blog. They get you thinking about how blogs work, how you blog, […]

Blogging Challenge: Blog The Opposite of You

Blogging is about opinions. That is the defining difference between a website and a blog. Opinions. Freedom of speech. Freedom of expression. Having my say. This week’s Blogging Challenge is to blog in someone else’s shoes. Write a post on your blog as if you were the opposite of who you are. Since blogging is […]

Blogging Challenge: Hobby Blogging and Blogging About Your Hobby

I’ve written about how to let people know more about who you are so they understand who is behind the scenes of your blog. I’ve also challenged you to write about what you really know and are considered an expert in, giving you a chance to brag. Now it’s time for a different kind of […]

Blogging Challenge: Travel Blog – Adventure in Your Back Yard

Your Blogging Challenge this week is to take a high adventure. To fill up water bottles, and pack your backpack full of film, digital cards, batteries, note pads, pens and pencils, snacks, digital recorders, and your camera, and head off into the wilds of your back yard. That’s right. You are off on a travel […]

Blogging Challenge: Comment on 10 Blogs

Your blogging challenge this week is to post a comment on 10 blogs. This is not a blogging challenge about comment spamming. This is about learning to comment, practicing comments, and letting the world know about who you are, what you think, and that you are a fellow blogger with something to say. You can […]

Blogging Challenge: Write WordPress Tips

I was digging around Technorati looking for something to blog about and I put in “WordPress Tips”, a fairly innocuous tag that I was hoping would generate a bunch of interesting tidbits for me to bring to your attention to help you with WordPress. Well, thank goodness for David Esrati of Blogosopher. Without him, all […]

Blogging Challenge: Describe Your Blogging Audience

This week’s Blogging Challenge is who is your blogging audience? The saying is: “If you don’t know who you are writing to, how do you know what to write.” It’s true. Unless you understand who you are writing to, how can you figure out what or how to tell them what you want to tell […]