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Search Results for: blogs

How to Turn Off Snap Shots Link Preview on WordPress Blogs

Snap Preview Anywhere, known as Snap Shots, Snap Shots Integrator, mShots, and many other names, is considered by many as one of the most annoying “gimmicks” on the web, continues to be enabled by default on blogs. Many new bloggers are still “testing” this gimmick which allows a thumbnail preview or feed view of […]

Why You Want To Link To Other Blogs

By Dawud Miracle of Just about anyone who’s blogging knows that they need to link to other blogs in their blog posts. You know it, right? But how many look at linking as a strategy? I’m not talking about a strategy just to increase traffic or exchange links for Technorati rankings – though that […]

Public vs Private: Cryptic Writing For Personal Blogs

By Edrei Zahari Let’s start off today’s Personal Blogging series by putting yourself in this scenario: You have a personal blog in which you write everything about your daily life in it. It doesn’t just contain the good time, but also the times when you’re really angry and depressed. One day, your boss calls you […] Blogs Feeds Scraped

In the most recent WordPress Wednesday News on the Blog Herald, I reported on the mass copyright violations and scrapings of blogs, as reported by Letters Home to You in “Has Anyone Stolen Your Writing Lately?” and “Please Help Me Get Google to Pull Their Ads from a Blogging Thief”. There is also a […]

Happy Birthday, turns two today. Happy Birthday! was the first to embrace WordPressMU, the multi-user version of WordPress which, a month later, powered From the beginning, James Farmer’s goal was to provide free blogs to educators, especially teachers then later students, to build an interactive community where teachers can share and communicate with other […]

Blog Branding: Bringing Touchy-feely Relationships to Blogs

“Deep Jive Interests’ Tony Hung tackles “Branding Matters a Lot for Search Engines Unless You Are Happy With 1%, an interesting perspective on the issue of blog branding, identity, and PageRank. Branding plays a *big* role in a great many things, and search engines are no exception. Specifically, something marketing folk like to call “top […]

The Clutter of Dead Blogs on the Web

Blogger’s Blog pointed to Times Daily’s article on “Dead Blogs”, the growing number of blogs abandoned by their owners and authors. The blog rush has slowed down from 175,000 new blogs posted per day in July 2006 to 120,000 new blogs per day as of March, according to Technorati, a blog tracking company. Blogs with […]

James Farmer Takes on Full-Time

It is with great joy that I announce that James Farmer of legendary Edublogs and all its associated free blog services, is leaving his work with The Age and going full-time to Today I handed in my notice at The Age and come July 1st I’ll be working 100% for myself, the majority of […]

Weekly Digest: More Blogging Tips Book Reviews, Lorelle on WordPress in Top 5 Blogs About Blogging, Blog Writing Contests, and More

The Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress this week features more wonderful reviews and recommendations of my new book – the orders are overwhelming! There are also some blogging contests with my book as the reward. If you are interested in the book, I’ve got more details on what it’s about and how to order. […]

What Blogs Make the Best Podcast Blogs?

Are you thinking of adding a podcast to your blog? Do you think your blog needs a podcast? What kind of blogs should, and shouldn’t have podcasts? Should mine? Do you have a podcast? What software and hardware are you using to record your podcast? Do you have some guidelines and tips on creating a […]

Top Blogs in India Honors for ifacethoughts

Abhijit Nadgouda’s ifacethoughts blog is listed by Sudhanshu Rahejta at Gyaan Sutra as one of the Top Blogs in India based on Alexa ranking. Congrats! Abhijit Nadgouda began the evolution of ifacethoughts on before he desired more and moved his blog to his own self hosted, full version of WordPress. He is now moving […]

Blog Models: Ways to Use Blogs

Tan Kian Ann of Blogopreneur offers “10 Practical Ways to Use a Blog”, outlining some common blog models. These include: Personal weblog Professional interest blog Company website Online resume Newsletter publisher A communication platform for companies A brainless instant publishing site to make money Project development and status announcements Collaboration project logs Chatroom creator Some […]

WordPress Plugins for Multiple Blogger Blogs

Many blogs feature more than one blogger contributing to the blog’s content. There are WordPress Plugins that can help you control access to your WordPress blog as well as help customize the blog to accommodate multiple bloggers on one blog. As part of my almost finished month long series on WordPress Plugins, I wanted to […]

Looking for Outstanding and Successful – and Unique – Blogs

Liz Strauss of Successful and Outstanding Bloggers is asking “How Many Truly Unique Blogs Can We Find?” I’m looking for truly unique and wonderful blogs. The blogs I am thinking of are one-of-a kind, stand-out, nothing-like-it, wow-will-you-look-at-that. only-one, wish-I-had-that-idea blogs. Every blog in the bunch will be outstanding in its own way. She’s looking for […]

Digg This Feature on Blogs

One of the consistently most requested add-on features for bloggers has been adding a Digg This style button to their blogs. It’s now here. There are great step-by-step illustrated instructions on the FAQ called “How Do I Digg”, but basically they are: Register with Digg. Publish your post. Search Digg to find if […]