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Search Results for: non-stop blogging

WordPress Las Vegas: Weekend of Non-stop WordPress, Social Media, and Blog Talk

WordCamp Las Vegas was an incredible gathering of some of the best of the best in blogging and WordPress, including: Matt Mullenweg Liz Strauss Joseph Scott Aaron Hockley Jim Kukral Geoff Kleinman Michael Dorausch Micah Baldwin Dave Taylor Micah Baldwin Shayne Sanderson Niran Amir from Picapp Jim Turner of OneByOne Media Ethan Gahng from Psolenoid […]

Weekly Digest: Book Contests, Blogging Big and Small, and More

There have been a few contests that will be coming up soon featuring my book, “Blogging Tips – What bloggers won’t tell you about blogging”, as prizes, so stay tuned for announcements on these. I’m also going to be heading off for a three day vacation – a real non-working vacation – next week. Wish […]

Weekly Digest: Interviews, Non-stop Writing, Setting Clocks, and Challenging You to Blog Better

It’s another week in the blogging neighborhood of Lorelle’s World with plenty of activity and action. A few minutes ago I competed a podcast interview with the Download Squad on the topics of blogging and blog writing. I’m working hard on my two upcoming big article series on blog writing and personal blogging. Working on […]

Weekly Digest: Quarter Through Two Months of Guest Blogging Partying, Guest Blogging Article Series, and More Guest Bloggers!

There has been a lot going on this week, but I’m so excited about the fabulous guest bloggers partying on my blog during the two months of celebrations, it’s all I want to talk about! This is the Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress. To subscribe to the Weekly Digest category of Lorelle on WordPress, […]

Two Months of Celebrating Blogging and WordPress

At the amazing WordCamp 2007 conference a couple weeks ago, I realized that I’d been staying a bit too exclusive for my personal tastes with this blog. What started out as a test site for has turned into a entity of its own. To celebrate the two year anniversary of and Lorelle on […]

WordCamp 2007 Attendees: Blogging Tips Book On It’s Way!

If you were one of the lucky ones who attended the recent WordCamp 2007 conference in San Francisco, you will be getting a copy of my book, Blogging Tips – What Bloggers Won’t Tell You About Blogging, in the mail very soon. Again, sincere apologies from myself, the sponsor and publisher, SplashPress, and the printer […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Blogging and Blogging Tips

This is a blog about blogging, as well as WordPress, and over the past year I’ve written plenty about blogging. When I began this blog, Lorelle on WordPress, was meant to be about WordPress. All about WordPress. I quickly found out that you cannot use WordPress without blogging, so the two fit together. I’ve written […]

Developing New Ways of Thinking about Blogging

In a recent story on NPR called Back Pain Treatments Can Be Tailor-Made, a comment caught my attention. Years ago, doctors recommended that patients go to bed and stay there in order to heal. That’s absolutely not the recommendation today. In fact, not moving at all could be the worst medicine. Fishman likens the process […]

Blog Exercises: August Summary

August is done, and so is the summer for most of the world north of the equator. Summer is on its way down under. This is the end of eight months of celebrating the 10th Anniversary of WordPress with a year of non-stop blogging about blogging, focused on using WordPress as your publishing platform. In […]

Blog Exercises: Excerpts and Continue Reading

Encountered the front page of a blog where the posts ran on and on and on and on, stretching across the length of the page? Do you ever wish you had more control over the length of your posts on the front page of your site? This Blog Exercise explores the use of the “more” […]

Celebrating Two Years: A Month of WordPress Tips

As part of my two month-long party celebrating the two year anniversary of and this blog with guest bloggers, we’re just finishing up month one of non-stop blogging about blogging, and tomorrow begins a whole month of non-stop WordPress tips. To help get you in the mood, here are some of the tips for […]

Guinness World Book of Records and Other Blog Score Cards

For information on the Guinness World Records, please visit Guinness World Records When I was growing up, the Guinness World Book of Records was one of our most popular toys. We would read through the book and be dazzled by the most mountains climbed, the highest elevation flown, and the greatest weight lifted. We would […]

The Most Common Tiny Mistakes Made When Setting Up a WordPress Site

I’ve just finished five years of teaching non-stop college and community education workshops and programs on WordPress for beginners, novices, experts, web designers, web developers, web programmers, and those who think they know everything but still realize they have a lot to learn. I love that last group as they are willing to learn and […]


By donating generously to Lorelle on WordPress you are doing more than just saying thank you for many years of ad-free helpful advice to WordPress users and bloggers around the world. You help keep the Lorelle engine running. Even before 2003 when WordPress was born, Lorelle VanFossen helped people have their say on the web […]

Blog Exercises: Protect Your Privacy

The web world thinks my birthday is January 1. Does the web know your birthday? Among the many Blog Exercises so far this year, I’ve mostly focused on your blog. Today, I want to talk about something related to your blog but mostly to your exposure and presence on the web: your private and personal […]