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WordPress School: Week 10

Badge - Learn WordPress with Lorelle VanFossen at WordPress School.This past week on Lorelle’s WordPress School the focus was on the web browser, helping you to learn the basics of the most important tool in your arsenal for working with WordPress. Like any tool, the more you learn about how it works, the better you work with it.

I’ve one more web browser post and then we are moving into some basic HTML and CSS, the programming language that instructs a web browser on how to display a website. With the basic elements of web design programming under your belt, we can move forward with confidence through the rest of the course as we move into site customization and WordPress Themes and Plugins.

This week 10 – wow! A great landmark week!

Want to Join Us?

Lorelle WordPress School Tips and Techniques Badge.While this course started the first of February, it is a year-long course designed to go at your own speed. Just because a few people started from the beginning, you are welcome to join at any time.

You do not have to rush to catch up. As one of the participants explained, “you will be ahead of us because you will learn from our mistakes.”

When you complete an assignment, you may share the link from test site in the WordPress School Google+ Community post for that assignment. No matter how far along the others are, and everyone is moving at a different pace, they will be there to cheer you on and help you through the process, as will I.

Come join us by introducing yourself to the other participants and tell us why you are here. We love meeting new folks!

This week is the start of my WordPress college course at Clark College in Vancouver, Washington. CTEC 160 is packed with some amazing people eager to learn web publishing, social media, web design, web development, and web programming. There are some journalism and business tech students in there, too, making for a beautiful mix. They represent the quilt that is the WordPress Community, people from all walks and ages of live brought together with a common interest.

For some, this is a required course in their degree. For others, they are in the class by choice. For you, it is all about choice. The choice to join us, the choice to participate, the choice to use this knowledge on your own site or possibly for another such as a non-profit or employer.

I know what pushes my students forward: grades. Without the grade, they can’t take another step forward on the chess game that is their educational life and career.

What is it that pushes you forward in this process? I’m not hounding you to submit assignments on G+ or in the comments below. There is no grade here. No judgment. No pressure. What keeps you going?

This I know. Whatever it is that keeps you going is what keeps you going in life. It is the passion for living and learning. It is the desire to be better. It is the need to learn how to do it yourself. It is the desire to see things through.

Or maybe a friend or relative is pushing you to do this.

Whatever the reason, keep going. The lessons you learn in this course the most have nothing to do with WordPress. They have to do with you.

Whatever gets in your way has been there before. Whatever pushes you forward has always been there. If you wish to change the obstacles and focus more on the pushes, that is up to you.

Either way, you are welcome here. That is part of the magic of the WordPress Community. We take all, deny few, accept the unacceptable, push out the harmers, and cherish the relationships the find us on our unusual journey through a virtual world.

The WordPress School Google+ Community Discussions and Assignment

Each week, our WordPress School Google+ Community features additional discussions and assignments helping you learn more about how WordPress works and all the ways to use WordPress. This post’s G+ discussion is “Week 10 Summary: Web Browser.” Come join us.

Current additional assignments and discussions held in the Google+ Community include:

If you are new to the Community, join us by by responding to the assignment posts rather than starting your own thread on the assignment discussion. This keeps the discussions together so we can learn from each other as we work on each assignment.

This is a tutorial from Lorelle’s WordPress School. For more information, and to join this free, year-long, online WordPress School, see:

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