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Blog Struggles: Finding Your Blog Focus

Last week, I covered the meaning of blog focus and the benefits and reasons to narrow your blog’s focus by your writing style or content. As part of this ongoing series on Blog Struggles, today I want to cover how to find your blog focus, and tomorrow, how to change your blog’s focus. Finding your […]

Blog Struggles: Why Should Your Blog Have a Focus

Why should your blog be a focused, narrow niched blog? Because: It establishes you as an expert. It creates a consistent flow of information and content. The blog and you become a source for information, not just a link. Increased incoming referrer links and increased likelihood of being blogged about, not just linked to. Like […]

Are Tags Working For You?

I asked this question on the Blog Herald: Are Tags Working? After Pam of Grassroots Science (Alaska) reminded me recently about the flaws in tags, the lack of consistency and control, I’m asking you again. Are tags working for you and your blog? With the advent of tags built into WordPress 2.3, a whole new […]

How Do You Find Relevant Blog Posts To Link Too?

By Dawud Miracle @ As I wrote about previously, I tend to link out from my blog a ton. Yet, just linking isn’t enough – at least for me. I want to link to posts that are highly relevant and complementary to the topic I’m writing about. And specifically, I want the text I’m […]

Weekly Digest: On The Road to WordCamp, Sponsored Themes, Selling Your Blog, NoFollow, and More

The Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress this week will be shorter, and do not expect a Weekly Digest next week as I will be in San Francisco playing with my WordPress friends. I’ll have a ton of news on my blog following the WordCamp conference! To subscribe to the Weekly Digest category of Lorelle […]

Do You Get to The Point or Ramble to the Point In Your Blog?

I wish this was one of those “of course” questions, but do you edit your posts? Lately I’ve run into a rash of bloggers I know aren’t editing their work. This isn’t a matter of a minor misspelling but piss poor writing practices. I wish I could excuse it with “well, it’s a personal blog” […]

Blog Challenge: Testing Your Blog’s Development

Here is a blogging challenge for those who want to learn more about monitoring and studying your blog traffic, and developing your blog. Visit the following links and study the information they give you on your blog. Then blog about what you learn from these various sites and if they helped, hurt, or change the […] Blog Bling: Decorating Your Blog

For USD $15, you can upgrade your blog for access to the CSS stylesheets to change the look of your blog. Don’t want to spend the money? You can still glamorize your blog with some Blog Bling for free. I’ve got a whole collection of bling for you to choose from to decorate […]

Monitoring Your Blog’s Topics and Industry

Cameron Olthuis of Pronet Advertising has a list of 10 things you should be monitoring, a great step-by-step list of the things within your industry you should be monitoring and instructions on how to monitor them. The list is excellent. In brief: Company Name Company URL/Domain Public facing figures (key people) Product names Product URL/Domains […]

Annual Zeitgeist Time: Top Search Result Keywords by Elimination

I love the year of the end reviews by search engines on the top keyword searches of the year. This year, Google Blog’s article, “How We Came Up With Year End Zeitgeist”, takes us inside the minds of Google and searchers and how their top search results rose to their top keywords search terms. …This […]

Revitalizing Your Blog’s Past Posts

I tend to write “timeless” articles, articles that will still work two or four years from now. For over two years I’ve been hunting for a method to showcase past articles on Taking Your Camera on the Road on the front page, giving a fresh audience a look at these older but still valid articles. […]

Stelzner’s Top 10 Blogs for Writers

Michael Stelzner’s Writing White Papers offers “Top 10 Blogs for Writers – 2006”, a great list of some outstanding blogs dedicated to the art of writing. Related Articles What Are Keywords? Website Development – Keywords Help You Write Your Blog Touching the Spirit When Blogging How to Write Like a Wanker Judging Blogs by their […]

ProBlogger: Improve Your Blogging Through Practice, Practice, Practice

ProBlogger Darren Rowse has written “10 Ways to Improve Your Blogging through Practice”, an excellent analysis and guide to making the most of your blogging experience. For some people the writing of a blog comes fairly naturally – they have a good grasp of language and how to us it to communicate effectively – they […]

I Can Put Your Site at the Top of Search Engine Listings

I just got my eighth email in the past two days with the following “invitation”: I can put your site at the top of a search engines listings. This is no joke and I can show proven results from all our past clients. If this is something you might be interested in, send me a […]

Blogging Challenge: Blog The Opposite of You

Blogging is about opinions. That is the defining difference between a website and a blog. Opinions. Freedom of speech. Freedom of expression. Having my say. This week’s Blogging Challenge is to blog in someone else’s shoes. Write a post on your blog as if you were the opposite of who you are. Since blogging is […]