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Search Results for: i hate my server

Vulnerability in phpMyAdmin Requires Immediate Patch

A critical CSRF Vulnerability in phpMyAdmin Database administration tool has been found and a patch is available for all computers and servers running the MySQL database. Does this include you? If you are using WordPress, yes it does. Contact your web host to ensure phpMyAdmin is updated immediately. If you are self-hosted and manage your […]

I Hate My Web Host

No, I’m not moving Lorelle on WordPress. In spite of the limitations, I adore blogging on my blog. However, for over three years I’ve been dealing with a web host from hell for several of my other blogs. It began with promises of less than 24 hours to activate my site and transfer the […]

Genealogy Blog: Determining What Features I Want in My Blog

Before I can figure out how much this is going to cost as part of my blog budget, I need to know what I want, how much it will cost, and what I’m willing to pay for. To start, I need to look at the features I want in my blog. While I might want […]

My Daily Tasks With WordPress

I thought that I’d diary my day-to-day tasks managing my WordPress website. It’s very easy to manage, but there are a few steps that few people talk about. In the morning, after the crunch of work is done, I check the various RSS Feeds that I monitor to see what is going on. I particularly […]

My WordPress Theme is Broken

If you are using WordPressMU or, contact your host server or through the Feedback button to fix the WordPress Theme you are using. Generally, before a WordPress Theme is released to the public it should have been thoroughly tested on different browsers and computers, and validated for errors. WordPress Themes usually break after […]

The Most Common Tiny Mistakes Made When Setting Up a WordPress Site

I’ve just finished five years of teaching non-stop college and community education workshops and programs on WordPress for beginners, novices, experts, web designers, web developers, web programmers, and those who think they know everything but still realize they have a lot to learn. I love that last group as they are willing to learn and […]

WordPress School: Bookmarks

This week on Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course we’ve been covering the web browser, your gateway to the web and WordPress. So far in this Web Browser Guide series we’ve covered some web browser history, keyboard and mouse shortcuts, browser tabs, and search operators and shortcuts to help you find WordPress help as well […]

WordPress School: Web Browsers and The Search

Search is used in WordPress for many different purposes as you prepare, develop, implement, and launch your website, and as you continue to maintain and publish on the site. This tutorial will help you understand how to search within a web page with the web browser, search within a WordPress site, and provide helpful tips […]

WordPress School: Addresses and URLs

Someday someone will write a book about the complexities of website addresses, permalinks, pretty permalinks, nonces, preview links, conditional links, and all of the other linky link links that WordPress uses. Until that authoritative text book is written, you are stuck with my weak explanations. As you move through the various assignments in In Lorelle’s […]

WordPress School: Visual and Text Editors

In this assignment in Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course we are going to explore the Text and Visual Editors in WordPress. WordPress features the two editors on all posts and Pages. The Visual Editor is the WYSIWYMG editor for writing content. This means it is the What You See Is What You Might Get […]

WordPress School: Images

In the previous Lorelle’s WordPress School tutorial we covered preparing images for uploading to WordPress. Today’s lesson is on how to upload and embed the images in posts and Pages. As a reminder, the sequence and data required for uploading an image to WordPress is: Using the Media Uploader in a post or Page, the […]

WordPress School: The Test Site

To participate in Lorelle’s WordPress School, you will need a test site to experiment and play on. This is a site that is not accessible and viewable by the general public, your private playground to experiment and break your WordPress site, but accessible by anyone with a link to the site, which makes it great […]

WordPress School: Terms – WordPress

Throughout Lorelle’s WordPress School this year, I will be teaching you the words, jargon, and names of things, including their nick names. We’ll start with the word “WordPress.” WordPress WordPress is an Open Source web publishing, content management system platform. That’s a mouthful. Let’s break it down. Open Source Open Source is software for which […]

WordPress School: Site Master Plan

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. Tony Robbins A website is an intangible, a virtual nothing in which we create something tangible to human perception. When it boils right down to it, Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little created nothing with WordPress. WordPress isn’t a physical object you can […]

Find, Search, Replace, and Delete in the WordPress Database

The following was originally published on WordCast and authored by Lorelle VanFossen. It is reprinted here as a reference guide. You’ve moved your WordPress installation from one server to another. You’ve changed domain names. You’ve moved images around on your server and now they don’t load. You’ve changed your WordPress installation and now images show […]