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Search Results for: do I need permission to link

Link Etiquette: You Do Not Need Permission to Link

In an interesting discussion on Split Coast Stampers Forum, the old question of whether or not you need permission to link to someone, in your blogroll or otherwise, has come up. Again, let me make this perfectly clear to everyone. The blog “etiquette” for linking to someone is to link away. You do not need […]

Do You Need Permission to Link to Someone’s Content?

Shell Holtz writes a great article on “When is a Link Not a Link” that is worth reading if you are worried about fair use of content and link citations of web page content: For years, I’ve been getting the same question when I get to the hyperlink section of my “Writing for the Wired […]

WordPress School: The Links in WordPress

In Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course today we will explore the most important thing on the web: links. Specifically how WordPress automatically generates links on your site and how you can add these same links within the content and elsewhere on your WordPress site. So far in this course we’ve covered the topic of […]

WordPress School: Sharing WordPress Links

In Lorelle’s WordPress School many participants are active in our WordPress School Google+ Community and eager to share links to their work on their test site for others in the group to review their work and help them or support and encourage them. Or just to brag and show off, which we enjoy as well. […]

Blog Exercises: How to Link to Comments

Do you have brilliantly intelligent and thoughtful commenters? I do. I often find something someone’s left in a post comment worth writing a blog post about and quoting. In this Blog Exercise we’ll look at how to link to comments on your site and how to properly reference them and cite the original author in […]

Blog Exercises: The Don’ts of Blogging

Did you know there is a Blogger’s Code of Conduct? It’s on Wikipedia. Initiated by Tim O’Reilly, it is as follows: Take responsibility not just for your own words, but for the comments you allow on your blog. Label your tolerance level for abusive comments. Consider eliminating anonymous comments. Don’t feed the trolls. Take the […]

Blogrolls Gone in WordPress. How to Save Your Links.

For the past few months, rumors were flying that WordPress was going to remove the Links/Blogroll feature of WordPress. As of August 2012, it is now gone from many MacManx, Happiness Engineer at, recently stated: The Links section was removed from the core software, which means that it will probably be removed […]

What You Most Need to Know About WordPress

At the recent WordCamp Portland 2012, I was asked by several attendees to cover the basics of WordPress and we came up with What You Most Need to Know About WordPress. Here are the “notes” from that unconference presentation. The Difference Between Categories and Tags I hear this question at WordCamps, from readers, students, and […]

Blog Struggles: I Need an Eraser for My Old Posts

Online Diary: May 20, 2010 I’d like to go back and erase my old posts. Don’t you feel that way sometimes? Maybe all the time? As I think about talking to the telephone poles out there and reassessing where I am, the urge to purge is overwhelming me. I want to go through all my […]

Where Do You Go For Your Blog Research and References?

I needed to know the dimensions of a US quarter compared to the Euro coins. Where should I go? Hmm, maybe I’ll hop in the car and drive to the library to dig through the shelves for coin collecting books. Nah. Maybe I’ll drive over to that coin and stamp collecting shop I saw over […]

Caring About the Little Links on Your Blog

Malaysia Can Blog’s Ultimate Guide to Getting Lots of Link Love is a collection of posts about getting links to and from your blog that is a wonderful collection, but I love the point the author makes in the introduction: Quite frankly, there are four compelling reasons to care about “little links”: * Little links […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Blogging

In Basic Blogging Etiquette, Do’s And Don’ts, Plagiarism, Deb shares some tips to help bloggers blog better: I’ve discovered since I started blogging that it’s not possible to be a lone ranger. If you had started your blog as a private diary and you’re satisfied with three visitors a day: your mother, your boyfriend and […]

The Magic and Fun of Incoming Links

On your WordPress blog in the Dashboard, or on your blog on your Blog Stats panel, you will find Incoming Links. If you aren’t using WordPress, you can find your incoming links through Technorati with: And through Google Blog Search with: So what is so magical and fun about incoming links? Incoming […]

Feeds Change How You Write Links

Feed are changing how we write links in our blog posts. Have you noticed? There are two types of links. Absolute links are the most commonly found links in web pages today. They go directly to the source such as: A relative link is one that links relative to the page without the full […]

Podcast Release WordPress Plugin Helps You Get Permission

Podcast Release WordPress Plugin is a novel use of a WordPress Plugin that helps you blog better and professionally. According to MWGblog’s Michael W. Geoghegan, the Podcast Release WordPress Plugin creates a Podcast Release form. This is a permission form to use your voice and words in a published podcast, on your site. It provides […]