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Search Results for: blogroll permission

Do I Need to Ask Permission to Put a Blog in My Blogroll?

I’ve been asked a lot recently about asking permission first to include a blog in a blogroll. I found this an interesting question since it never occurred to me that permission would be required. After all, isn’t inclusion in a blogroll a compliment? What is a Blogroll? A blogroll, sometimes called a “sidebar links list” […]

Blogrolls Gone in WordPress. How to Save Your Links.

For the past few months, rumors were flying that WordPress was going to remove the Links/Blogroll feature of WordPress. As of August 2012, it is now gone from many MacManx, Happiness Engineer at, recently stated: The Links section was removed from the core software, which means that it will probably be removed […]

Link Etiquette: You Do Not Need Permission to Link

In an interesting discussion on Split Coast Stampers Forum, the old question of whether or not you need permission to link to someone, in your blogroll or otherwise, has come up. Again, let me make this perfectly clear to everyone. The blog “etiquette” for linking to someone is to link away. You do not need […]

Do You Need Permission to Use Feeds

I recently wrote about asking permission to include a blog in your blogroll and asking permission to link to website or blog content, and now I want to know if you need permission to publish a feed on your blog. This is a complex issue. Like blogrolls, I think it is a compliment to include […]

WordPress School: The Links in WordPress

In Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course today we will explore the most important thing on the web: links. Specifically how WordPress automatically generates links on your site and how you can add these same links within the content and elsewhere on your WordPress site. So far in this course we’ve covered the topic of […]

WordPress Anniversary: WordPress and Evil

As I look back on the ten years of WordPress, there is a dark side to blogging. While many blamed WordPress for the evil, like guns, WordPress doesn’t cause evil, people cause evil. In fact, WordPress, Automattic, and the WordPress Community has fought longer and harder against the evil doers in the world than most […]

What You Most Need to Know About WordPress

At the recent WordCamp Portland 2012, I was asked by several attendees to cover the basics of WordPress and we came up with What You Most Need to Know About WordPress. Here are the “notes” from that unconference presentation. The Difference Between Categories and Tags I hear this question at WordCamps, from readers, students, and […]

Caring About the Little Links on Your Blog

Malaysia Can Blog’s Ultimate Guide to Getting Lots of Link Love is a collection of posts about getting links to and from your blog that is a wonderful collection, but I love the point the author makes in the introduction: Quite frankly, there are four compelling reasons to care about “little links”: * Little links […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Blogging

In Basic Blogging Etiquette, Do’s And Don’ts, Plagiarism, Deb shares some tips to help bloggers blog better: I’ve discovered since I started blogging that it’s not possible to be a lone ranger. If you had started your blog as a private diary and you’re satisfied with three visitors a day: your mother, your boyfriend and […]

Weekly Digest: Brags, Blog Relationship Conference,

Welcome to the fourth Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress, a one-stop buffet of tips, tricks, and techniques on WordPress and blogging. If you missed the last three, check out last week’s edition, the previous week, and the first week. For information on how to subscribe to this weekly digests of the events and activities […]

WordPress Plugins for Feeds

Feeds are the hottest technology on the web today, as far as I’m concerned. I get my news through my feed reader, bringing the web to me instead of me going to it. People are exchanging information through feeds, tracking industries, investments, news, and story ideas. I’ve got three feeds in my sidebar, showcasing links […]

Understanding, Using, and Customizing WordPress Blog Feeds

Feeds are one of the most powerful features you can add to your blog. WordPress and blogs come with feeds built-in. You don’t have to do anything except control how those feeds are viewed by your readers. You have two options with outgoing feeds in WordPress: full feed and excerpt. There has been a […]

Web Zero: Building Relationships With Your Blog

Blogopreneur’s “3 reasons why 30 blog visitors are better than 300 website visitors” takes a good look at why quality matters over quantity. When people think about online marketing – the first things that come up to mind is contextual ad system, affiliate links and selling your products online. Its true, blogs may not be […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Reviews of the Reviews

Wow. One solid month of reviews of articles over the past year. What an amazing retrospective, huh? An anniversary or birthday can be a time of celebration as well as reflection, and this past month writing about the past year’s worth of writing has been an amazing step back through time, thoughts, choices, decisions, and […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Blogger’s Rights and the Risks of Blogging

The issues of protection for bloggers, bloggers rights, and copyright protection for web content is still an evolving issue. As more people find freedom of expression in blogging, other people seem to find more excuses to stop or control not just what they say but how they say it. There is even a guidebook for […]