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Search Results for: bitacle

The Bitacle Battle of Blogs

UPDATE: Many years have passed since this article was published. Recently, Jonathan Bailey of Plagiarism Today took a look back at the lessons learned from Bitacle and the battle so many bloggers fought against them. Google now works to prevent and stop such abuse. While the Bitacle model still works, because so many spoke out […]

Blog Exercises: Debate Ethics

A premie baby is causing debates and controversy about medical research projects. A debate on plant ethics questions over the humane treatment of plants opposes yet is related to the debate on ethical treatment of animals as food sources. Advanced research on stem cells and human cloning is debatable on all sides, especially when news […]

WordPress Anniversary: WordPress and Evil

As I look back on the ten years of WordPress, there is a dark side to blogging. While many blamed WordPress for the evil, like guns, WordPress doesn’t cause evil, people cause evil. In fact, WordPress, Automattic, and the WordPress Community has fought longer and harder against the evil doers in the world than most […]

How to Add MyFreeCopyright To Your WordPress Blog

404 Tech Support has just published step-by-step instructions on how to to your or WordPress blog. The directions are specific to, but will work for any blog or website. It’s also a prime example of how to use the WordPress Widget to add text to your sidebar. The code used in the […]

Protecting Your Content on

By Jonathan Bailey of Plagiarism Today Users of the self-hosted version of WordPress have always had a lot of tools for protecting their site and their feeds. They have always had a variety of plugins for protecting content, including anti-scraping, content theft detection and much more. Even the ability to edit themes and the core […]

Content Theft and WordPress

I and many WordPress “representatives”, along with the developers and staff of WordPress and Automattic, are getting more and more complaints and requests for help dealing with content theft issues. We all need to clear this up and spread the word about how this works in relationship to WordPress. In order to go after a […]

How to Stop Content Theft: The Best Tips

One of my heroes, Jonathan Bailey of Plagiarism Today, whom I’ve written much about and love his work on the Blog Herald, has simplified the issue of content theft into two brilliant and understandable articles. 5 Content Theft Myths and Why They Are False deals with the myths that often keep us from responding and […]

Weekly Digest: Guest Bloggers Galore, Theme Spam, Blog Scraping, and Personal Blogging

It’s been a week and a half of fabulous guest bloggers bringing some color and excitement to Lorelle on WordPress. Wow! And some babble about WordPress Themes with link spam and vulnerabilities that must be addressed, and blog scrapers stealing content from Blogs. And one of my guest bloggers begins a series on the […] Blogs Feeds Scraped

In the most recent WordPress Wednesday News on the Blog Herald, I reported on the mass copyright violations and scrapings of blogs, as reported by Letters Home to You in “Has Anyone Stolen Your Writing Lately?” and “Please Help Me Get Google to Pull Their Ads from a Blogging Thief”. There is also a […]

Copyright Law Tips from Daily Blog Tips

Daily Blog Tips’ article, “Copyright Law: 12 Do’s and Don’ts”, is a great step-by-step list of the basic things you need to know about copyright law, especially when it comes to protecting and copyrighting your content, as well as using the content of others. I really liked some of the items under the “Don’t” list: […]

Weekly Digest: Lorelle in Chicago at Conference, WordCamp2007, Content Theft, Change Magazine, and a Day of Silence

The Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress this week features news about me traveling to Chicago for the SOBCon07, the Successful and Outstanding Blogger Conference May 11-12, 2007, with some of the hottest folks in blog building and interactivity on the planet presenting programs. I’ve also got news on some other hot topics about WordPress […]

Is Your Blog Ready for Web 3.0?

Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services by Read/Write/Web gives us more than a glimpse into the future of websites and blogs – Web 3.0 is being build here and now. Are you paying attention? Today’s Web has terabytes of information available to humans, but hidden from computers. It is a paradox that information […]

WordPress Plugins for Feeds

Feeds are the hottest technology on the web today, as far as I’m concerned. I get my news through my feed reader, bringing the web to me instead of me going to it. People are exchanging information through feeds, tracking industries, investments, news, and story ideas. I’ve got three feeds in my sidebar, showcasing links […]

Yahoo! Pipes: Better Feed Mixer

Derek van Vliet of the Blog Herald offers Killer Pipes for Social News Feeds, an amazing look the high customization of multiple feeds possible with Yahoo’s new Pipes service. A couple of weeks ago, Yahoo! launched Pipes, a GUI that makes remixing and mashing up RSS feeds fun and easy to do. Since Pipes uses […]

WordPress Plugins Battling Evil

I hate to admit it, but there is evil on the web. And it is often aimed directly at bloggers. Comment Spam WordPress Plugins One of my greatest fears on Lorelle on WordPress is that Akismet will go off-line or suddenly stop working. If their servers go down, it’s nightmare hell for Lorelle. The number […]