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Search Results for: beginning blogging

WordPress and Blogging Community Course in Forest Grove, Oregon

Attention all on the west side of Portland and around the Portland Metro area. Beginning February 18 through April 8, 2015, I’m honored to be teaching an 8-week community WordPress and blogging class in Forest Grove, Oregon, on Wednesdays from 6:30-9PM at the Forest Grove Senior Center. I rarely present community-based WordPress courses in the […]

Happy Anniversary WordPress: The Beginnings

On August 16, 2005, Lorelle on WordPress became blog ID number 72 on the brand new The first post was appropriately titled “Lorelle on WordPress” to introduce the site. Looking back, it’s amazing how true to form that I’ve kept the mission of this site all these years later as proposed in the first […]

Tips for Blogging September 11 Ten Years Later

Over the past few weeks I’ve listened, read, watched, and pondered a quilt of stories around the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001, as the world celebrates/honors/remembers the event 10 years later. There are first hand stories of those who were in the buildings, rescuing people or escaping; stories by watchers, waiters, victims, […]

WordPress News: Lots of WordPress Releases, Love Blogging and WordPress Contest, Scott Wallick, Akismet News, Permalinks, and More

This week’s Blog Herald WordPress News is WordPress News: Release Week News, WordPress 2.7.1, BuddyPress, WordPress MU, and More Releases, and I’ve covered a lot of WordPress news you can use: It’s Release Week. WordPress 2.7.1 Beta 1 released for testing. WordPressMU updated. BuddyPress Beta 2 released. WP Scanner beta released. releases January stats. […]

Blog Struggles: Surviving the When Blogging Goes Bad Blues

It’s been a hell of a day. I’m sure you’ve had them. When every other word out of your mouth should have started with F or S but didn’t because you “grinned and bared it” for the grace of others. Okay, let’s be honest, you didn’t grin, you bit the bullet. We all have these […]

Weekly Digest: End of Year Rush, Lorraine is Bad, Awards, and Kicking Blogging But – As Usual

I had last week’s Weekly Digest of “Lorelle World” ready to go, but life stepped in with a lot of snow and too many distractions. My apologies. So this week, you get three-for-one. 😀 I decided to have a little fun these past few weeks with the types of articles I published here and on […]

Blogging and Social Networking as a Teenager

By Douglas Bell Today is the end of Lorelle’s first month of celebrating two years of and Lorelle on WordPress, and I really want to say congratulations to her. However, while this past month has had many articles on blog writing, SEO, web design, blogging personally and for profit, and of course, a number […]

A Virtual Interview With Lorelle About Guest Blogging

By Jan of Circular Communication One of the main reasons for Lorelle asking me to join the excellent group of guest bloggers blogging here on Lorelle on WordPress this past month was my way of writing link posts and perhaps in particular the one constructed as a virtual interview. Hence did I decide to round […]

Weekly Digest: More Blogging Tips Book Reviews, Lorelle on WordPress in Top 5 Blogs About Blogging, Blog Writing Contests, and More

The Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress this week features more wonderful reviews and recommendations of my new book – the orders are overwhelming! There are also some blogging contests with my book as the reward. If you are interested in the book, I’ve got more details on what it’s about and how to order. […]

One Year Anniversary Review: In the Beginning WordPress Begot WordPressMU Begot

The dream was “how to make WordPress available to everyone, no matter what level of experience or expertise they had”. Individual WordPress blogs are great, but the popularity and ease of blogging got the corporate world interested in providing blogs for their employees as a way to communicate with the outside world on what they […]

Power Blogging: Web Browser Blogging Tips

WordPress and many other blogging tools require you to interface with your blog through your web browser, be it Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, or whatever you are using. While I’ve used any browser I could find on any public and private computer to access my blogs, and I declare Firefox to be the […]

Cruising The Blogging Community

Since is supposed to be representative of a blogging “community”, using WordPressMU as the multiple blogger software tool, I thought I’d stop in to take a look at the community that I’m a part as a member of Want to join me? If you are one of the more than 183,000 blogging members […]

Blogging With the Best of Digg on

In “ Snobbery”, General Disarray brings up their opinion that most of the top blogs cited on Digg are blogs: It’s safe to assume that pages that make it to the Digg front page are sufficiently interesting and well-written to attract a lot of attention from a large, educated and tech-savvy audience. What kind […]

Define Blogging Success

This post from Evolver on stopped me in my tracks. If this Blog does not succeed, then I must hang my head and shake my fist. Cause dammit, I am done with toying with this Blogging shit once and for all. While the author of Evolver admits to being both an optimist and pessimist, […]

Robin’s Blog – Blogging Tips to Help You Learn about Web Page Design and Development

I’m a big fan of Robin’s Blog aka Take My Advice – I’m Not Using It!. Based upon a series of classes at the Regional Occupational Program’s Web Page Design Program in Pleasant Hill, California, in the San Francisco Bay Area, Robin Wood offers students excellent information on web design, web development, and web technologies, […]