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Learning More About Blogshares

Blogshares is an interesting and fun way of playing the stock market with blogs. You can sign up your blog (put your blog on the market) and watch as the traffic and stock trades influence the value of your blog. While this is just in fun, it has also turned into a successful money-making endeavor for the owners. And many people use Blogshares to evaluate the success of a blog, so if you are into e-commerce and marketing your blog, it may be worth it to get familiar with Blogshares and how it works.

BlogShares is a fantasy stock market where weblogs are the companies. Players invest fictional dollars on shares in blogs. Blogs are valued by their incoming links and add value to other blogs by linking to them. Prices can go up or down based on trading and the underlying value of the blog. No actual ownership of blogs is transfered. BlogShares is purely a fictional marketplace.

Begin by registering your blog and “claiming” it. It can take a few hours to a day or so for Blogshares to activate your claim. Once it has been claimed, you can then play around with the shares. But first, here is their explanation of how Blogshares works:

When just beginning to play, it is important to understand how to affect blog share prices. The basic strategy to start the game is fairly simple:

Buy 1250 shares in a very underpriced blog. You can easily find such blogs on the Stock Tips page. Generally, try to find blogs with a P/E under 20 and priced under $5.

Wait 20 minutes and buy 1250 more shares.

Repeat Buying Shares until you own all 4000 (1000 are reserved for the owner, even on unclaimed blogs).

Wait 6 hours

Sell off 250 shares at a time until the P/E approaches 250, then sell all remaining shares.

Using this strategy on one blog, over the span of about eight hours, will easily double your net worth and may increase your holdings a hundredfold with some blogs. Once you get the feel for this, expand your play to include multiple blogs. Eventually, within a short span of time, you will be ready to move on to Advanced Shares: P/E, Orders, Pricing, Artefacts.

Sounds fairly easy but it is challenging. Which blogs do you choose? How will they do? What if they go down in price? What if you can’t sell them? There are a lot of changes and fluctuations, just like in the stock market, keeping the action exciting.

This is what they say are the reasons why you should play Blogshares:

Addictive Fun: The most obvious reason. Whether you like building your fortune, immersing yourself in multiple game play strategies, voting blog categories, or simply need a place to get away from the hustle and bustle of life, BlogShares offers you a game play experience that you will not soon forget.

Find New Blogs: Blogs are a great Internet phenomenon! They’re changing the way some of us connect, reflect, and do business. If you are interested in a particular subject, feel free to browse our Industry page which has over 4900 different Industries (categories) to peruse. You can utilize the search feature (quick lookup) in the upper right hand corner to search by keyword, blog title, or blog address (URL). You may even find your own!

See Your Own Blog In Action: That’s right, you can add your own blog to our system and gain special controls over your blog in the BlogShares world. You even get 1K shares in your own blog just for taking the time to claim it!

Amazing Community: Not only do we have an excellent group of people in the forums, we also have a great group of gals and guys in our IRC channels. Feel free to join in the conversation, add a haiku to the monthly contests, or join any one of a dozen other contests held constantly. Take part in this community. BlogShares includes many player-volunteers in developing game algorithms, handling support, and even writing this intro.

Here are more links for tips on how to use Blogshares:

Blogshares also has a forum for discussions around the sale and trading of blogshares, as well as discussions about the particulars of a blog. Obviously, the most popular blogs get the most attention, but there can be a rousing discussion over up and coming blogs.

Blogshares is not only a fun “game”, it is a great way to learn about what blogs are doing well and why. In the forum, many people discuss the pros and cons of why a blog is effective and how to improve blogs, critiquing them as they evaluate their Blogshares choices.

So get on the stock market of blogs and have some fun with it. And if you are interested in trading shares on this blog, click the link above or here to access the profile on Lorelle on WordPress Blogshares Profile and Status.

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