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Kim Komando – Computer and Geek Starlet

I adore Kim Komando. I’m sure there are tons of guys out there who lust after her, but I adore what she’s done to the computer world. Haven’t heard of Kim Komando? Have you been living under a rock?

She’s blonde, thin, pretty, and geeky. For women, she should be our idol. She is showing women that it pays to be pretty and super intelligent all bundled up in a neat package. And she is showing the world that computers, the Internet, the web, and blogging can be fun, easy, and good for you.

was determined to bring computer technology to the media to make it live up to its claim of “user friendly” and to bring the excitement of computers “to the people”. Meeting resistance, she finally found some radio stations willing to take on her show, “Kim Komando”, which eventually led founding WestStar Talk Radio Network in 1991. As her radio show grew across the US to about 400 stations, so did her popularity. She is now a columnist with CNN, Gannett newspapers, and USAToday and her website, , attracts millions of readers and fans.

Traveling for years across North America, I kept a list of radio stations that carried her show and would tune in when possible to catch up on the latest news and tips on computers and technology from the road. I might have left my corporate computer world behind, but Kim Komando kept me up-to-date on what I was missing during those early years on the road before Internet access became more wide spread.

A recent column of hers in USAToday tackled Make Blogging Pay is a great example of her friendly, easy-to-read and understand style.

Keeping an online journal, or blog, can be rewarding. You can use it to share opinions or to keep in touch with friends. But you can use it to make money, too. Some bloggers report making a few thousand dollars each month from ads. Unless you have droves of readers, though, your efforts will be less rewarding. But you might cover some of the small monthly expenses associated with hosting a blog…Before you get started, here’s some advice. Keep your visitors in mind. Choose ads that offer value to your readers. They’ll appreciate it, and that means more money for you.

Kim Komando’s Tip of the Day can be read online or emailed to you daily, or in her weekly newsletters, keeping you up-to-date on a variety of things you can do to make your computer life much easier. I’ve found some of my favorite and most useful shareware and freeware programs through recommendations on her shareware recomendations, and her Kool Site of the Day has led me to discover some fun and new websites I would never have thought of checking out.

And she even has a blog called “Kim Komando’s Log”, which helps fans get to know a little more about her and her life, as well as her enthusiasm for computers.

By listening and reading what Kim Komando is talking and writing about, you get a pretty good idea of what mainstream Americans are interested in and what kind of computer help they need. While her information is directed to the average user and computer newbie, if your blog is about following trends and helping others, her services could help you stay on top of what the “common person” is thinking about when it comes to computers and the Internet. And you might learn a thing or two along the way.

Here are some other blogging highlights from recent Kim Komando articles.

One Comment

  1. Posted September 25, 2005 at 6:03 am | Permalink

    I hadn’t heard of her but I will certainly now read her website and blog. Her website design is erm “busy” and could do with a re-design to make it easier on the eye.

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