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Search Results for: webdev

Awesome Lists of Firefox Must-Have Extensions Lists

It took me a long time to get past my fear of leaving Microsoft Internet Explorer. I wasn’t convinced that there could possibly be a better browser, especially one that was free. “Free” to me meant cheap, something wrong with it, cripple-ware, and a trick to get you to buy it. In my wildest dreams […]

Truths and Consequences of Blogs That Stand Out

I wrote recently asking you all about what makes a blog stand out from the crowd, and some interesting comments came up. I think that some of these are worth discussing. Looks Count Looks count in everything. Don’t try to tell me that they don’t. If look don’t count, then the entertainment, fashion, clothing, hair, […]

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog

Google now has it’s own SEO specific blog, Official Google Webmaster Central Blog, dedicated to helping you help yourself to search engine page ranking success. Matt Cutts recently shared “How to verify Googlebot” when it visits your site. “Debugging Blocked URLs” helps you undertand how to debug your robots.txt for crawl errors and URL restrictions. […]

Creating Effective, Attention-Getting Headlines and Titles

In part one of this two part series on “everything you could possibly want to know about titles and headlines on your blog”, I wrote about how to write effective, attention-getting headlines and titles, and in this part, I’m going to give you more than you might ever want to know about how to maximize […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Web Design

I’ve reviewed my writings over the past year for WordPress Tips, Tricks and Techniques, Designing WordPress Themes, Accessibility and Usability, and the basics of Web Development, which brings me to the more generalized category of web page design. As I explained in Designing WordPress Themes, designing a blog or website using WordPress is more complex […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Designing WordPress Themes for the Public

An article I wrote during the past year that got a lot of attention, and criticism, was “WordPress Theme Designers: Slapping You Upside the Head”. It was a rant, but also a guide to help those who design WordPress Themes for public release, and to and those who choose and prepare WordPress Themes for […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Designing WordPress Themes

WordPress Theme design is fairly unique in web design techniques as a WordPress Theme isn’t just about the design of the website, it is about web design based upon generated and controllable content. Programming code helps to create each page on a WordPress blog, influencing the look and feel of every element of a WordPress […]

The Question: What Do You Love and Hate About a Website?

BCC News’ Newsnight is having second thoughts on their web design recently and asked a very important question: Web designers should ALWAYS remember: just because it can be done, doesn’t mean it should be done.” Stung by that challenge we’ve resolved to enter a period of rationalization. Let us know what you love and hate, […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Web Development

Over the past year, I’ve written a lot about web development, also known as website development and blog development. Web Development is the name for the techniques involved in developing your website or blog. What it really is, well, that’s a lot more confusing. People make a lot of assumptions, so let’s look at what […]

What Businesses Should Know Before Building a Website

456 Berea Street’s “10 Things Businesses Should Know Before Building a Website” is extremely helpful when considering how to build a website for a business. It begins by understanding that most businesses don’t understand the web, and then is complicated by the fact that most web designers today don’t understand the web. It’s perfectly understandable […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Searching and Search Engines

Over the past year, I’ve written a lot about search engines. In many ways, they are the holy grail, the impossible dream, and the unsolved mystery. We are totally dependent upon them. In order to find anything on the web, we must go through a portal of a search engine. It is the epitome of […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Blog Housekeeping and Maintenance

Remember the old term “home pages” to represent a website? It was used in the earliest days of website design and development and had two meanings. The first was the term “home page” which meant the front or first page of a website. The second reference was to “home pages”, your personal website. In a […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Keywords

Keywords are words used in the post content area of your blog that help searchers find you on search engines. They are the words that you use repeatedly throughout your post and blog to help search engines categorize you, and people searching with search engines find the right combinations of words to find your blog. […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Accessibility and Usability

In “Usability Isn’t Expensive. It’s Practical. Usability is Useful.”, I explained the differences, and similarities between accessibility and usability: Accessibility is the development of a website or blog to be accessible to everyone. This means that the design must meet web standards and pass a range of validation tests in order to be compliant with […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Choosing a WordPress Theme

One of the slick features with all WordPress and blogs is the ability to change the look of your blog in seconds. This feature was added in WordPress 1.5 in the beginning of 2005 and continues to be one of the most fascinating and exciting features WordPress has to offer. With WordPress, you can […]