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Define Blogging

CSS For WordPress Unofficial defines blogging as:

To me blogging is the passionate expression of a persons thoughts, ideas and creativity to list a few. A bloggers main objective is to entertain and stimulate other individuals minds through the process of writing. Blogging provides an outlet for a somewhat shy person like me to share my thoughts and become a member of a rapidly growing community of others who share that same passion, that desire, to inspire the minds and possibly brighten the days of thousands of people around the world. A blogger holds his or her fate between their fingers and the keyboard and yet everyday they continue to risk everything they’ve gained to satisfy their readers one article at a time. So that to me is what a true blogger is, a passionate selfless individual with a divine need to create something great for other people and all I can say is keep doing what your doing!

Kamigoroshi – Footsteps in the Mirror explains blogging as:

Blogging is a reflection in the mirror of what we want to show to the world. For the most part, blogging is about us. It is the mirror image of who we are and what we are. If you run a business with a product, your blog about it should be the reflection of your product and not yourself. Because of this, it’s easy for a lot of us to go wrong when we mix doing business with being personal. Sometimes we forget about mirroring the image of our product and end up mirroring the image of our selves.

Blogging is a state of self. For people like me who keep our blogs for personal use, it is the moment in time when we thought the things we wrote down…Blogging is a marker for improvement. Every post is a frozen moment in time. While the past lies in the past and we should move on from it. It’s marker to tell yourself how far you’ve gone from where you last posted. Where are you now from a year ago? Have you learnt anything from the moments that passed before? Have you grown older with your readers or have you grown up with them?

…I could go on and on about what blogging is all about, but the road that leads from it is something we learn everyday. Blogging can be a part of life, but by no means is life a part of blogging. It is the reflection of who we are in the worded mirror. It is a fragment of perspectives that define our individuality, uniqueness and paradoxically our similarities. At the end of it, blogging is about you.

What comes from it on the other hand is a road only you can choose.

Trying hard to really define blogging, Darren Rowse wrote Blogging is Like… which lists over 40 blog posts with their definition of blogging.

I’ve been doing this blogging thing since before it had a name. To me, it was a way to stay in touch, communicate, and provide helpful information. To others, it’s a way of getting published without the rejection letters and other stones. Get a blog, be an instant publisher.

What is it like? A diary, never-ending press release, your personal op-ed page, a classroom, a forum…there are so many definitions to what a blog is like and what is it that defines a blog.

For me, a blog is a communications tool. What you do with it from there is up to you.

Why is it that we’ve been doing this blogging thing for a while and people still have so many problems defining what we are doing?

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Copyright Lorelle VanFossen, the author of Blogging Tips, What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging.


  1. Posted January 21, 2008 at 7:50 am | Permalink

    Interesting topic! Trying to generalize a blog’s definition is like putting a blog in a box and that’s not possible. There are millions of people out blogging for different reasons. All of whom is projecting their voices to the world with a message they want to share. A blog provides that outlet. Each message is unique in its own way and is what really defines the blog.

  2. Posted January 21, 2008 at 1:21 pm | Permalink

    The idea of blogging became formalized when blogging software became available to anyone. Since the beginning of the net writing and posting content has been simple, and anyone could do it. But the game really changed when it became easy to involve the readers.

    Writing a page to effectively solicit comments and to create a place for random people to have a conversation about your topic was a leap that brought blogging to a whole new level.

  3. Posted January 21, 2008 at 1:48 pm | Permalink

    Blogging is simply communicating information in a diary format on the Internet with supporting information on the Internet site.

    This definition supports the vast diversity of subjects being written about in the Internet. The statement “I’ve been doing this blogging thing since before it had a name.” is surely indicative of this definition — and now we can name it.

  4. Posted January 21, 2008 at 7:26 pm | Permalink

    I started my blog four months ago and what blogging was then, compared to what it is now, is a little different. What I’ve discovered is that I didn’t have a clear idea of who I was, at least in terms of being able to articulate it. Blogging is helping me discover things about myself I never thought about. The fun is in the discovery.

  5. Posted January 26, 2008 at 4:12 am | Permalink

    Here’s how I define what a blog is: “A blog is a website consisting mainly of chronologically listed articles, called “posts.” Generally there are categories (and optionally “tags”) as well as date-based archives of posts that have since disappeared from the front page. The front page may vary, sometimes having “features” like magazines, but blogs always have individual pages dedicated to the permanent display of single posts (known as permalinks).”
    I’m getting really tired of people thinking of blogs as those rubbish ones you see on Blogspot (you know, the “I think everyone cares what I do every day, so I’m going to blog about myself for a few months until I get bored and quit” blogs).

  6. uranitejjespinas
    Posted August 7, 2009 at 3:30 am | Permalink

    Blog, Blogger and Blogging
    What is Blog? For me, it is basically a journal that is available in the web. It is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with a regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.Authoring a blog, updating the blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called “blogging”. For me, a person who posts those entries or someone who keeps the weblog or blog for short is called a “blogger”.A bloggers main objective is to entertain and stimulate other individuals minds through the process of writing.

9 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. […] think this is one of the major problems that makes it so hard to define blogging. Digg […]

  2. […] at the Lorelle on WordPress blog there is an interesting post titled Define Blogging. She has a few different quotes on what blogging is, but this line, I think sums it up the best. […]

  3. […] Define Blogging […]

  4. […] Last month Lorelle VanFossen defined what blogging was to her in her post Define Blogging. […]

  5. […] at that on the screen, I realized how much that summed up my feelings about blogging, a closer definition of blogging than most that people come up […]

  6. […] I prefer the definitions I find on this site: […]

  7. […] I prefer the definitions I find on this site: […]

  8. […] Blog is a customizable part of a website which will be the reflection of your products & services. It’ll be the medium to magnet your target audience to your Goo2o store. The reason might be their immense trust in you & your services which they would gain during their blogging tour. Make sure to give your blog readers a happy experience to invite them back. Otherwise they’ll get confused and loose interest in your blog. […]

  9. […] Blog is a customizable part of a website which will be the reflection of your products & services. It’ll be the medium to magnet your target audience to your Goo2o store. The reason might be their immense trust in you & your services which they would gain during their blogging tour. Make sure to give your blog readers a happy experience to invite them back. Otherwise they’ll get confused and loose interest in your blog. […]

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