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Wikipedia – The Bloggers Dictionary and Encyclopedia

Need a definition? Want to help your reader understand a concept a little more? Need just a bit more information?

Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, is a one stop dictionary, encyclopedia and linking ground for just about anything you want to know. And bloggers help make it what it is today.

Millions of bloggers link to Wikipedia to help their readers understand a concept or term, keeping things in context and providing more resources for information from their site. Just about anything you want to know about is found in the Wikipedia. Into astrology or astronomy, or don’t know the difference? Want to know more about how search engines work and how they search your site? What about global warming? Or political figures like father and son Bush, a foreign minister of Russia, or current president of Latvia?

Wikipedia also establishes a warehouse of information and resources dealing with current events. Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane RitaEnron, Halliburton, and Worldcom debacles, even more than you could ever want to know about California star and governor, Schwarzenegger. Or popular stars like Britney Spears, Barbra Streisand, Michael Jackson, Mike Myers, Justin Timberlake, Elizabeth Taylor, and many more.

The Wikipedia is available in many languages with ongoing translations coming in almost daily. English is still the largest and most popular but other languages are growing quickly such as German, French, Japanese, Italian, Polish, Swedish, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish. There is even a Chinese version.

Wikipedia is a volunteer effort, so anyone can contribute. There is even information on WordPress.


  1. Posted October 2, 2005 at 5:41 pm | Permalink

    Wikipedia and the whole WIKI (wiki-wiki) concept are pure art in computer science. I suggest everyone helping that extraordinary encyclopedia in its growing process.

  2. Posted October 3, 2005 at 10:32 am | Permalink

    In case you missed it there was a very inspiring Q&A on C-SPAN with wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales. Archived at the link below for those who want to watch it.

  3. Aaron
    Posted August 7, 2007 at 11:04 am | Permalink

    For your readers that are interested in creating their own site glossary/dictionary the IMM Glossary WordPress Plugin is a great resource.

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