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Search Results for: web host benefits

The Real Benefits of Sponsoring a WordCamp

Roxanne Darling, the organizer of Podcamp and WordCamp Hawaii, October 24, 2008, is encouraging everyone to help make this Podcamp and WordCamp a success and supporting their sponsors by blogging about them. While you should blog about them and support sponsors of WordCamp and WordPress Events, there is a bigger benefit to being a WordCamp […]

I Hate My Web Host

No, I’m not moving Lorelle on WordPress. In spite of the limitations, I adore blogging on my blog. However, for over three years I’ve been dealing with a web host from hell for several of my other blogs. It began with promises of less than 24 hours to activate my site and transfer the […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Web Design

I’ve reviewed my writings over the past year for WordPress Tips, Tricks and Techniques, Designing WordPress Themes, Accessibility and Usability, and the basics of Web Development, which brings me to the more generalized category of web page design. As I explained in Designing WordPress Themes, designing a blog or website using WordPress is more complex […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Web Development

Over the past year, I’ve written a lot about web development, also known as website development and blog development. Web Development is the name for the techniques involved in developing your website or blog. What it really is, well, that’s a lot more confusing. People make a lot of assumptions, so let’s look at what […]

Website Accessibility is Now Getting Serious in the USA

The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect. Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web As a long time advocate of website accessibility and meeting web standards for accessibility, I was amused by the San Fransisco Chronicle News story about […]

Step-By-Step Website Development – Check List

I’ve talked a lot about website development, and hopefully I’ve stressed how important it is to make a plan. To help you make your plan, here is a simplified checklist for the development and design of a website ($ indicates potential additional fees that may be incurred). Development Gathering of information related to site content […]

Website Development – What Needs to Be Done and How Much Does It Cost

Today’s businesses require letterhead and envelopes, business cards, ads in the Yellow Pages, and web pages as part of their business stationary. Even if you have the smallest of businesses with a limited clientele, a website is part of your professional arsenal to attract and keep clients. People new to the Internet or web pages […]

Your Blog is Your Business Card

The following are the notes for my popular workshop “Your Blog is Your Business Card”. The premise is that today’s business card can’t hold all the contact information necessary to connect adequately with potential clients, but the blog can. It is the holder of your contact information and online identity. The workshop covers the philosophy […]

Check Out the New Media Manager in WordPress users were greeted with a new Media Manager over the weekend. This is the new media uploader coming in WordPress 3.5 when it releases December 5, 2012. For most of us, this is a long-awaited, dream come true. The clunky WordPress Image Uploader is gone, replaced with one more visual and easy-to-use. The announcement […]

WordPress Stats and Numbers: Breaking Their Own Records

Working on developing a core of WordPress classes for Clark College and preparing for the next “Introduction to WordPress” college course in a couple weeks, I’ve put together some statistics on WordPress you might find helpful – and stunning. WordPress continues to break records set by others, but more often lately, break records set by […]

WordPress 3.2 Released: Faster, Prettier, Powerful

WordPress 3.2 has been officially released, this time after a fairly short testing time period. To upgrade, use the built-in automatic upgrade. According to the announcement, this is the 15th major release of WordPress. Wow, that just doesn’t seem possible, and yet it also feels like too few. How far WordPress has come since 2003, […]

The Art of the Fan-Based Blog: Community Wins

By DB Ferguson of the No Fact Zone I can promise you, your site won’t be much fun at all unless you start building a community of loyal readers to interact through comments and help enrich the blogging experience for all of your readers, not just yourself. A huge part of the fandom site experience […]

Lorelle at WordCamp 2008 – 260 Ways to Break WordPress

I’ve uploaded my program from WordCamp 2008 in San Francisco to SlideShare and showcased it below. I talked about how important it is that we push WordPress as far as possible, even to the breaking point, to make sure it will work across all operating systems, all hosts, all browsers, all setups – in every […]

Protecting Your Content on

By Jonathan Bailey of Plagiarism Today Users of the self-hosted version of WordPress have always had a lot of tools for protecting their site and their feeds. They have always had a variety of plugins for protecting content, including anti-scraping, content theft detection and much more. Even the ability to edit themes and the core […]