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Search Results for: web host benefits

Weekly Digest: Lorelle in San Francisco, Heading to WordCamp Dallas, Pasadena, Chicago, and Writting About Blogging In Between Talks

It’s been a very busy week for me, traveling to San Francisco, meeting friends and clients, and having a great time. I went to an interesting seminar on US politics, which took an interesting turn recently. Also attended a book signing and talk by Bill Hayes, author of “The Anatomist: A True Story of Gray’s […]

Weekly Digest: Lorelle in San Francisco Talking Blogging and WordPress, Offerring Blog Resources, Beating a Plagiarist, and More

This week finds me in San Francisco starting a spring and summer of public appearances and conferences. I’m getting really geared up for WordCamp Dallas on March 29-30, 2008, and Successful and Outstanding Bloggers Conference in Chicago in May. I hear both of these are filling up fast, so get your registration in immediately. I […]

Blogging Resources and Sources to Help You Blog

As a blogger and professional editorial and technical writer, I have collected a variety of online resources and references to help me write, blog, and work. The following are a list of Internet resources, sources, references, guides, and tools that help me with my basic blog writing research and publishing. I use these resources to […]

Weekly Digest: Catching Up, Speaking San Francisco, Future Post Mixup, Talking to Blogger Talks, and More

Yikes, it’s been a rough few weeks. Along with some nasty business stuff, which is actually normal in my line of work, I was supposed to be on my first real, non-working vacation in 14 years, which turned into a workation. What should have been normal was much less fun than usual as my husband […]

The Sharing and Caring of the WordPress Community Shines

In Why Giving Away Your Code is Not Dangerous, Abhijit Nadgouda of ifacethoughts looks at the issue of “sharing” and Open Source from an interesting perspective: Imagine you run a transport service, ferrying passengers to destinations they want. A part of your job is to follow maps, find out new routes and build your knowledge […]

Weekly Digest: Lorelle Recovers on the Road, Reports on Conspiracy Theories, With More Challenges and Struggles

I’m finally recovering from an ugly sick and catching up with my behind. SIGH. I’ve got to get healthy as plans are in the works for a very busy schedule next year speaking at a variety of blogging and WordPress conferences and meetings. I’m so excited about getting out and meeting the best of the […]

WordCamp Israel WordPress Tips Talk

The following are my tips and recommendations to help you get the most out of WordPress, be it on or the full version of WordPress as presented to hundreds of WordPress fans at WordCamp Israel (English) recently. This is a fleshed-out version of my program notes outline, with links to more tips and recommendations […]

Weekly Digest: Lorelle Recovers From WordCamp Israel, Sicks, Tackles Marketplace, Content Thieves, and Kicks Blogging Ass

I’m back in the states after an amazingly successful WordCamp Israel conference, and catching up with good friends and good food, arriving back in time for another keynote presentation in Seattle, then crashing down into sick. Cold/Flu/Cough/Yuck. On the good side, there are a lot of fun and exciting things happening in my life and […]

Weekly Digest: Lorelle in Israel for WordCamp Israel, Blog Struggles Article Series, Blog Disclaimers, and More

Shalom from Israel! I’m in Tel Aviv for WordCamp Israel on October 25, 2007, and catching up with good friends and good food. This is the Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress. To subscribe to the Weekly Digest category of Lorelle on WordPress, you can subscribe by the Weekly Digest feed or by email with […]

New Article Series – Blog Struggles

Over the next few months, I will be publishing an ongoing series, which includes and continues from much of what I started in my book, “Blogging Tips: What Bloggers Won’t Tell You About Blogging”. I’ve been blogging since 1994, though it barely had a name back then, online journaling is what it soon became. Along […]

Weekly Digest: End of Two Months of Guest Bloggers, More WordPress Tips, and Heading to Reno, Israel, and Seattle

This weekend is the last of the two month celebration of the two year anniversary of and this blog. For the past two months, I’ve opened this blog up to guest bloggers from around the blogosphere, sharing their thoughts and expertise on blogging and WordPress tips and techniques. It has been amazing. I’ve learned […]

Celebrating Two Years: A Month of WordPress Tips

As part of my two month-long party celebrating the two year anniversary of and this blog with guest bloggers, we’re just finishing up month one of non-stop blogging about blogging, and tomorrow begins a whole month of non-stop WordPress tips. To help get you in the mood, here are some of the tips for […]

Weekly Digest: On The Road to WordCamp, Sponsored Themes, Selling Your Blog, NoFollow, and More

The Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress this week will be shorter, and do not expect a Weekly Digest next week as I will be in San Francisco playing with my WordPress friends. I’ll have a ton of news on my blog following the WordCamp conference! To subscribe to the Weekly Digest category of Lorelle […]

Integrating FeedBlitz Feed Email Service Into WordPress

FeedBlitz is a feed subscription service which includes feeds by email. According to Feedblitz, 11% of web users use feeds and feed readers to track favorite blogs and sites, which leaves a lot of your blog’s visitors struggling to keep up with the latest posts and news from your blog. Since email is a more […]

Subscribe, Feeds, RSS, Email Mailing List, Blog Update Alerts, and Newsletter WordPress Plugins

Asking someone to “subscribe” to your blog used to mean signing them up on an email list. On a regular basis you would send out an email from that list with news about your site or blog encouraging them to return for a visit. Today’s notion of subscribing to a blog goes way beyond an […]