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Search Results for: navigating

Navigating Your WordPress Site

How visitors nagivate through your site is critical to how long they stay on your site. While having quality content helps, their ability to move from one post to another, or through the archives and categories, finding the information they need about the site, you, and the content, is very important to a successful website. […]

Robin Williams Starts Our Conversation on Depression, Suicide, and Mental Health

The world is grieving the loss of one of our favorite comedic and dramatic geniuses, Robin Williams, and the conversation begins about mental illness, depression, and suicide. The Facts As We Know It: The news arrived about 3:30PM PST that the actor had died due to suspected suicide. CNN reported that according to the Marin […]

Blog Exercises: Start Here Guides

Training for educators using online learning management systems for high schools and college recommend creating a “Start Here” page to guide the student through the process. If the process is complicated, this makes sense. The question I wanted to know from trainers is why don’t they provide training upon entrance to the school so each […]

DuckDuckGo: The Search Engine You Need to Meet

Recently, DuckDuckGo has been turning up in my referrers list. Curious about the name, and thinking it was a spam site, DuckDuckGo needed investigation. Seems I’ve been missing out on what could be the major competition to Google as a search engine. Here is a quick summary of what I learned about DuckDuckGo. It is […]

Managing Multiple Bloggers: Author Content Management on WordPress

In the last article I talked about what’s most important to the author and their readers, covering recognition when it comes to researching and developing a website design to accommodate multiple bloggers. In this article, I want to cover the research you need to consider when it comes to content management, which represents the “Aggregation” […]

WordPress Post Content Sandbox Content Updated

The thirteenth blog post published on Lorelle on WordPress was Designing a WordPress Theme – Building a Post Sandbox. This post continues to be useful to WordPress Theme developers and testers, so I’ve updated it and included an easier-to-use sandbox post text file. When designing, testing, or tweaking a WordPress Theme, you need to pay […]

CSS Development Tools, Forms, Layouts, and More

If you are a WordPress Theme designer, or want to dig into your WordPress Theme’s design, check out Blog Oh Blog’s “Rapid CSS Development Tools” article with a list of CSS tools that help make coding and designing easier. The article include forms, layouts, frameworks, optimizers, and more. For more CSS and web design tools, […]

Do You Remember Your First Blog Post? If You Do, You Could Win!

Liz Strauss is holding the “Bring Back That ‘Brand New’ Blogging Feeling Event” contest and giving you a chance to win a premium WordPress Theme from Blog Design Studio and a copy of her ebook. Whether you win or not, it’s a chance to really push your blogging creativity. The challenge is to take a […]

Celebrating Two Years: A Month of WordPress Tips

As part of my two month-long party celebrating the two year anniversary of and this blog with guest bloggers, we’re just finishing up month one of non-stop blogging about blogging, and tomorrow begins a whole month of non-stop WordPress tips. To help get you in the mood, here are some of the tips for […]

Weekly Digest: Guest Bloggers Galore, Theme Spam, Blog Scraping, and Personal Blogging

It’s been a week and a half of fabulous guest bloggers bringing some color and excitement to Lorelle on WordPress. Wow! And some babble about WordPress Themes with link spam and vulnerabilities that must be addressed, and blog scrapers stealing content from Blogs. And one of my guest bloggers begins a series on the […]

Why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is Still Important

By John Pozadzides There is a war of words being waged around the concept of Search Engine Optimization with one side claiming that SEO is dead, and the other claiming SEO is everything. The reality lies somewhere between these two extremes (as reality often does) so it’s important to understand both the history and the […]

Showing Dates Not Just Times in Your Multi-Post Views

Occasionally when I’m searching the web, I’m looking for timely information such as articles on WordPress 2.1 not WordPress 1.5. Information on the latest version of WordPress would be dated within the past two months or so. Anything before that probably covers early versions of WordPress and wouldn’t apply to the topic I’m seeking. More […]

Could It Be? Your Blog Design Really Matters?

In Does Your Blog Design Matter?, Instigator Blog’s Ben Yoskovitz asks you if your blog design is as important to you as it should be: The beauty of blogging is that you can always change things, experiment and see what works. This holds true for copywriting, social networking and your blog design. You might start […]

Blog Design: How Many Columns?

Mark from Weblog Tools Collection offers Two or Three Columns?, his perspective on how many columns a blog should have. I personally prefer one column themes with a minimal second column. Most information that is put on my sidebar(s) is extraneous and could be placed elsewhere. I have also found that some of that information […]

Aaron Brazell, Technosailor, Sponsors WordPress Custom Fields Contest

Weblog Tools announced that Aaron Brazell is sponsoring a “WP Custom Fields Contest” for full version WordPress users. Aaron Brazell, techie extraordinaire from Technosailor (also responsible for the technology strategy and implementations for b5media) is sponsoring a “Custom Fields” Contest for WordPress. Basically, it is a contest to show off the best use of Custom […]