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Search Results for: narrow minded

Blogging Prejudice: Aren’t We Past This Yet?

Blogger A blogged something offensive to Blogger B. Blogger B responded with “that’s not being a good Christian”. Huh? I can assume that Blogger B is a Christian, though the type and style of practice is not known. Does that automatically imply that Blogger A is a Christian? What difference in the world does this […]

Go Naked: CSS Naked Day April 9

In 2006, the First Annual CSS Naked Day was held, a tribute to honor web designers, the painters of our websites. I celebrate the holiday most years on this site. Every year on April 9, web developers, designers, and those honoring web design and programming celebrate by removing the styles on our sites for 24 […]

Blog Exercises: It Still Hurts

As my career tangled itself in WordPress, even though I was well known in other industries, I quickly became popular within the WordPress Community – and the target of meanies. Yep, as in the childhood bullies that plague us our whole lives. Without any marketing or self-promotion, this site and my articles on other sites […]

Blog Exercises: How Long Are Your Paragraphs?

How long are your paragraphs? Have you measured them lately? One of the telling differences between traditional writing and writing for the web is the length of the paragraph. Look at the example below. Which is easier to read? On the left, the paragraphs are huge, long blocks of text. On the right, the paragraphs […]

Prove It: It’s Starts With Defining Who You Are

Who are you on the web? How do you describe yourself? What words do you use to tell the world who you are, what you stand for or represent, what you do, how you do it, and why they should want to get to know you and work with you? Preparing to teach my WordPress […]

Blog Struggles: Taking The Moral High Blogging Ground

Oh, the stories I could tell. I wish I could tell you about all the times when my instinct was to take the low road, to accuse, to play Devil’s advocate, to leap to conclusions, to express unfounded opinions, and to lower my standards. Oh, the times, the many times. A constant struggle of mine […]

WordPress Plugins To Help You Administer Your Blog

Running a blog, whether for yourself, to make money, or with multiple bloggers, is work. Sure, blogging is fun, but there are a lot of things you need to do with your blog to keep it in top working order and shape. Let’s look at some useful WordPress Plugins that will help your blog stay […]

Editing Your Blog Comments

I’ve written a lot about comments, how to handle them, respond to them, and some guidelines for posting comments. One aspect of comments rarely covered indepth is the issue of editing your comments. Not “your” comments left on other blogs, but the comments you receive on your blog. As a general rule, you can judge […]

How Not to Blog in a Blogathon Blog

I had a great time with the Blogathon this past weekend. While I didn’t participate as a Blogathoner, I hit a couple hundred of the blogs blogging in the Blogathon, and found some great bloggers blogging about fun and interesting topics. I also learned a lot. I highly recommend that you make it part of […]

What Do I Do With My New Blog

You just got your first blog. Now what do you do with it? There are two ways to tackle your new blog. First, there is the typical way, then there is the practical approach. The Typical Way of Starting a WordPress Blog The typical method of starting to use your blog is: […]

Putting Some Thought Into Blog Categories and Tags

There has been a lot of talk about the differences and similarities between categories and tags, and how to implement their use. I’d like to talk about the process of choosing categories for your posts. But first, let’s take a moment to examine what categories and tags are. What are Categories and Tags? In the […]