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Search Results for: linkroll

Link Etiquette: You Do Not Need Permission to Link

In an interesting discussion on Split Coast Stampers Forum, the old question of whether or not you need permission to link to someone, in your blogroll or otherwise, has come up. Again, let me make this perfectly clear to everyone. The blog “etiquette” for linking to someone is to link away. You do not need […]

Blogging Tips – Hundreds of Resources for Finding Content for Your Blog

Blogging is great fun. It’s exciting. You start out with great ideas, full of motivation and inspiration. After a while, though, you run out of steam. The muse isn’t so amused any more and you start hunting for content, things to write about. There are two aspects of finding content for your blog. First, it […]

Make Blogging with WordPress Part of Your Daily Routine

Alexandra Samuel’s article “Make Blogging Part of Your Workflow” not only highlights WordPress as your blog of choice, but outlines a great step-by-step process of how to incorporate blogging into your daily work routine. For all my tagging evangelism, I’ve been enigmatic and elusive about how I myself use tagging to be a better blogger, […]

More Must-Have Bookmarklets Than You Can Swing a Browser At

I’ve seen a lot of links to Special Geek to Live – Ten Must-Have Bookmarklets which lists the top ten must-have bookmarklets to help your online research and browsing. I thought I’d do you better and offer you more must-have javascript bookmarklets than you can swing a bookmarklet at – if you could swing a […]