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Search Results for: beginner blogger

Point and Counterpoint in Mistakes Beginner Bloggers Make

In an interesting “debate” or rather “continuation of the conversation”, two bloggers take on the concept of the 7 Blogging Beginner Mistakes and how to avoid them. It began with Puiu from the Lost Art of Blogging on 7 Blogging Beginner Mistakes And How to Avoid Them, which made some very good points, much of […]

ProBloggers – Blogging for Beginners Series

Whether you are a novice, beginner, intermediate, or advanced blogger, take time to read through the Blogging for Beginners series by ProBlogger. It covers a wide range of topics that you need to know to help you get started with blogging. And when you come back here, the following related articles will also help you […]

PDX Writers and Bloggers: Join Me at Press Publish WordPress Event March 28 in Portland

Press Publish is a one-day conference in Portland, Oregon, and Phoenix, Arizona, described as “featuring inspiring WordPress bloggers and the people behind I’d rename it to “Rocking Your World with Inspired Authors and Web Publishers on WordPress in the Pacific Northwest!” I will be attending the Portland event on March 28, 2015, and the […] Bloggers Get New Support and Help Site bloggers now have a new resource for help: the WordPress Help Pages. Heather of the Support Team announced the new support. It features a knowledge-based style with overviews features and tasks. I’ve covered a lot of tips and techniques for using, and here are some highlights, including a lot of features […]

Weekly Digest: WordPress Tips, Guest Bloggers Party On, and More WordPress and Blogging Fun

There are less than three weeks left as part of the two months of guest blogging fun celebrating the two year anniversary of and this blog. This month is dedicated to WordPress tips. This is the Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress. To subscribe to the Weekly Digest category of Lorelle on WordPress, you […]

Update on My Blogging Tips Book: What Bloggers Won’t Tell You About Blogging

My new book, Blogging Tips, What Blogger’s Won’t Tell You About Blogging, is getting great coverage and is flying out the door faster than we can keep up with the orders. This is a limited printing and with the reduced introductory price, they are selling fast. Get your order in now before we run out […]

The Top 10 Clues That You Are an Amateur Blogger

This post could be also called “The Top 10 Most Common Writing Errors” or “The Top 10 Mistakes Writers Make”, but I thought “The Top 10 Clues That You Are an Amateur Blogger” was more appropriate. Because, if you want to have your blogging taken seriously, then you need to sit up and pay attention […]

Learning from the Voices of WordCamp Dallas

Charles Stricklin, the host of WordCamp Dallas 2008 and The WordPress Podcast has released The Voices of WordCamp Dallas, a collection of quick interviews and questions I asked during the event. I was so amazed at how open everyone was, willing to share their thoughts on WordPress, WordCamp, blogging, and the magic of the web […]

Weekly Digest: Lorelle at WordCamp Israel – Not Much Else. You?

Shalom from Israel! I’m in Tel Aviv for WordCamp Israel on October 25, 2007, which was a resounding success, and catching up with good friends and good food. This is the Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress. To subscribe to the Weekly Digest category of Lorelle on WordPress, you can subscribe by the Weekly Digest […]

Are You Abusing Your WordPress Pages – and Your Blog?

Here are two of the most important definitions you need to know about your WordPress blog: Post: An article published within a blog and displayed in chronological order within multi-post pages such as the front page, category, searches, archives, tags, and other page views. Page: A pseudo-static web page which holds content on a blog […]

Customizing RSS Feed Links for and WordPress Sidebar Widgets

With the new feature in blogs to add feeds to your sidebar using Sidebar Widget enabled WordPress Themes and/or the soon-to-be-released Sidebar Widget WordPress Plugin, you now have a powerful feature to add content to your blog and accessorize your sidebar. If you would like to add feeds from another WordPress blog, the feed […]

A Guide to the WordPress Codex, The Online Manual for WordPress Users

WordPress is so easy, for the most part, you can use it right out of the box. Once you get familiar with the powerful features beyond the most simple post writing, creating Pages and categories, you will probably want to do more. The WordPress Codex is the online manual for WordPress users. It takes you […]

WordPress School: Excerpts

If you are following along with Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course you’ve been writing posts as part of the article series assignments and other assignments. Go to the front page of your site in the Twenty-Eleven WordPress Theme and take a look. Do you see long posts, one after another, and have to scroll, […]

The Most Common Tiny Mistakes Made When Setting Up a WordPress Site

I’ve just finished five years of teaching non-stop college and community education workshops and programs on WordPress for beginners, novices, experts, web designers, web developers, web programmers, and those who think they know everything but still realize they have a lot to learn. I love that last group as they are willing to learn and […]

WordPress School: Bookmarklets and User Scripts

In the last tutorial in Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course covering the web browser, your gateway to the web and WordPress, we covered bookmarks and how to save a web page for later access and reading. In this tutorial, we take bookmarks a little further by exploring browser bookmarklets and user scripts, small but […]