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Search Results for: annual

Annual Thanksgiving Orphan Party

You’re invited to the VanFossen Annual Thanksgiving Orphan Party Saturday, November 30, 2013 For many years we’ve gathered together anyone missing home, left out of Thanksgiving celebrations, or eager for more social during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. You are invited to join the craziness. It starts around 2PM. We eat about 6PM, if things go […]

Annual Holiday Marathon: Best Ho, Wealth, Tech, Holiday Lights via Web, and Holiday Joy

Join me and the rest of the Bitwire Media crew for too much fun this Saturday, December 19, 2009, for the annual Holiday Marathon from 6AM to 6PM PST. Each year, the Bitwire Media team celebrate the holidays with a live podcast and video marathon, with interviews, stories, laughter, games, contests, and a lot of […]

Weblog Tools Collection Annual WordPress Plugin Competition

The best Plugin competition, The Weblog Tools Collection WordPress Plugin Competition 2009 (3.0), is underway. WordPress fans rejoice. The annual WTC WordPress Plugin Competition has rocked the WordPress Community since 2005. Each event brings out the best and most creative WordPress Plugin authors competing for prizes, and many of the award winners and entrants are […]

Preparing for the Annual “What I Want Gone from the Web” Post

It’s almost time for my annual Things I Want Gone from the Web post. I had quite a list last year, and I’ve been collecting whines, rants, and nags over the past year, but this year, I want to know what you want gone from the web. Let’s make this a community whine, rant, and […]

Annual Zeitgeist Time: Top Search Result Keywords by Elimination

I love the year of the end reviews by search engines on the top keyword searches of the year. This year, Google Blog’s article, “How We Came Up With Year End Zeitgeist”, takes us inside the minds of Google and searchers and how their top search results rose to their top keywords search terms. …This […]

Annual Reminder (and some options) to Backup Your WordPress Blog

Having suffered from numerous computer crashes and server breakdowns, in spite of their promises, trust me when I say you need to make backing up your WordPress blog a part of your regularly scheduled maintenance and housekeeping. Futurosity offers “8 MySQL Backup Strategies for WordPress Bloggers (And Others)”, an interesting compilation of tips to help […]

Annual 46 Best Free Utilities from Tech Support Alert

Tech Support Alert offers its annual “Best 46 Free Utilities” list this year with few surprises, but it still is a great resource if you are looking for solid and excellent software for no or low prices. Open source software is really leading the pack, sometimes ahead of its commercial brethren, for top quality programs. […]

Worst Web Mistakes Annual Report

We wait for it every year. Well, the waiting is over. It’s time for the Top 10 Web Design Mistakes of 2005 by Useit’s Jacob Nielsen. If you want to know what you are doing wrong, Nielsen is the man with the big bat to boot your buns in web design. Want to know his […]

Blog Exercises: Which Stats Matter

In this ongoing series called Blog Exercises, let’s explore the stats that matter, the ones you should be paying attention to on your site and off. On your site, you should be paying attention to: Most Popular Posts: Are your most popular posts related by topic? If so, there is clearly a driving interest in […]

WordPress School: Bookmarklets and User Scripts

In the last tutorial in Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course covering the web browser, your gateway to the web and WordPress, we covered bookmarks and how to save a web page for later access and reading. In this tutorial, we take bookmarks a little further by exploring browser bookmarklets and user scripts, small but […]

Go Naked: CSS Naked Day April 9

In 2006, the First Annual CSS Naked Day was held, a tribute to honor web designers, the painters of our websites. I celebrate the holiday most years on this site. Every year on April 9, web developers, designers, and those honoring web design and programming celebrate by removing the styles on our sites for 24 […]

WordPress School

Are you ready to join Lorelle’s WordPress School? Let’s get going. Here is what you need to know. To participate, you need the following: A free site or other test site for experimentation Join and participate in the WordPress School Google+ Community Do the assignments and tasks associated with each lesson Comment on the […]


By donating generously to Lorelle on WordPress you are doing more than just saying thank you for many years of ad-free helpful advice to WordPress users and bloggers around the world. You help keep the Lorelle engine running. Even before 2003 when WordPress was born, Lorelle VanFossen helped people have their say on the web […]

It’s About Access

If you have a few minutes today, watch this. Oh, watch it anyway. And share it. It won a Webby, the equivalent of the Oscar for the web world. And I have to admit that at the end, I cried. Seriously. Like those in the satirical episode, I don’t live in the wildest woolliest of […]

Blog Exercises: August Current Events

Been watching the news lately? It’s time to blog the news and current events for August in our Blog Exercises. For some communities, August is the start of the harvest season, a busy month. For other communities, it is the quietest month. Some societies practically close down their towns to vacate for cooler locations, getting […]