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Search Results for: writing code Blog Bling: Signatures and Writing Code

Wow! If you wanted some blog bling bling, we’ve covered a lot, haven’t we? I’ve shown you how to add graphics and photographs and video, lines and smilies, fonts, blockquotes, social bookmark links, blogroll bling and sidebar widgets, and…have I forgotten anything? Ah, yes. How to display code bling in your blogs, and […]

WordPress School: How to View a Web Page Source Code

Starting this Monday, we will be diving into web browsers in preparation for some basic HTML lessons to help you learn more about the inner workings of WordPress, WordPress Themes, and web design as part of Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course. The first step in the process is learning to view a web page […]

Web Writing HTML Entities Cheat Sheet

Over the years I’ve copied and saved HTML Character Entities that I use on a regular basis, and I thought I’d share my cheat sheet. These are important to me as a technical web publisher specializing in writing blogging and WordPress tutorials, so I’ve explained why and how I use them in the table below. […]

The Web is All About The Writing

Reading “7 Things You Need to Know about SEO in 2014” from Compete Pulse, I was fascinating to read that “size matters:” Most blog posts range between 400 and 600 words, but the ideal length for highest ranking is actually around 1,500. Many still believe that a successful website is one that offers the information […]

Blog Exercises: Self-Sabotage Writing

You probably don’t want to hear this…I’m sure you don’t care what I have to say anyway…if you aren’t interested, go somewhere else…if you are here to learn something stick around, if not, take a hike…I don’t expect you to figure this out…This does require some intelligence to understand, so if you can’t be bothered, […]

Blog Exercises: Writing Poetry and Recipes in Your Blog

Do you publish poetry on your site? Feature many quotes? Share recipes? Addresses? If so, you may need to learn how to publish content with single lines instead of double. In WordPress and other publishing platforms with a WYSIWYMG interface, hit the Enter (Return) key and a wide or double space will appear. Each line […]

Blog Exercises: Site Policies and Bloggers Code of Ethics

It’s time to start working on all of your site policies, one by one. So far, we’ve touched on some of these in Blog Exercises: The Don’ts of Blogging, Blog Exercise: Taking a Risk With What You Blog About, Blog Exercises: Comments and The Blog Bullies, and Blog Exercises: Quoting and Blockquotes. The basic policies […]

Blog Exercises: How to Publish Code

I blog about the technical side of blogging, about WordPress, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, HTML, CSS, web design – code. I often blog about code. And people ask me code questions. I’ve become an expert in writing code so it looks like code on web pages. The time may come, or you may have already […]

PDX WordPress Meetup Group: WordPress Codex Night

The WordPress Meetup Group in Portland, Oregon, has invited me to tonight’s meetup at the US Bancorps Building in downtown PDX to talk about the WordPress Codex, the online manual for WordPress Users, and how to contribute. I’ll show them some basics about the Codex and we’ll spend a couple hours working on maintenance tasks […]

Round WordPress: Summer of Code, Kubrick Retired, How Tos, WebWare 100, and WordPress Fan Blogs

In my Blog Herald WordPress News, I used to feature a round-up of WordPress-related podcasts and fan blogs offering great tips and useful information on using WordPress from the beginner level to advanced techniques. I’ve decided to continue this tradition here on Lorelle on WordPress. Every week or so, I’ll publish a Round WordPress post […]

WordPress Plugins News: Coffee2Code Plugin Marathon, Plugin Podcast, Plugin Developer Center, Plugin Checklist

As most of you know, I’m extremely passionate about supporting and encouraging WordPress Plugin authors. I’ve written a love letter to WordPress Plugin authors, spent a month writing over 36 posts on nothing but WordPress Plugins, published extensive tips on how to install, configure, and use WordPress Plugins and another guide for finding Plugins, “Where […]

Blog Resources for English Language and Blog Writing

I blog in English and it behooves me to get it write – okay, at least once in a while. The challenges I face as a writer are not just generating ideas but finding the write way to convey those ideas. I frequently need to check the spelling or definition of words I come up […]

Weekly Digest: Writing About Writing, Working on Books, Lots of Speaking Gigs, and Blog Struggles is a Success

I’ve been working non-stop on my upcoming big article series on blog writing and personal blogging. I’ll be posting some requests for your assistance on these issues soon. I’m also working on two books, as well as the ebook version of Blogging Tips, so stay tuned for more announcements on that. My schedule is starting […]

Considering Writing Some WordPress Tips?

Do you want to write a WordPress tip? I encourage you to do so, either on your blog, on the WordPress Support Forums, or for the WordPress Codex, the online manual for WordPress Users. It takes a lot of volunteer work to create a body of work for WordPress users to rely upon to help […]

WordPress Tip: Writing Customized Post Headlines, Title Tags, And Permalinks

By Mohsin at Blogging Bits We all know the importance of catchy headlines, clever title tags, and short URLs. Unfortunately, the majority of WordPress bloggers do not utilise the flexibility of WordPress and the power of WordPress Plugins to customize these elements for optimal results. While your content is what defines your blog, the post/page […]