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Search Results for: web host features

Research on the WordPress, Web Development, and Web Design Job Market

In 2012 and 2013, I did extensive research for the grant program to develop and rewrite the Web Developer degree program at Clark College. This research included an analysis of current and future job opportunities for students graduating with that degree with a solid understanding of WordPress. Now that the program has completed its first […]

Blog Exercises: Statistics and Web Analytics

If you have been following these Blog Exercises for the past six months, your site should be rocking. I asked you early on to define what you do clearly as it helped to clarify your site purpose and goals and your reason for blogging. You were to define your specific audience, part of identifying like […]

Round WordPress: Summer of Code, Kubrick Retired, How Tos, WebWare 100, and WordPress Fan Blogs

In my Blog Herald WordPress News, I used to feature a round-up of WordPress-related podcasts and fan blogs offering great tips and useful information on using WordPress from the beginner level to advanced techniques. I’ve decided to continue this tradition here on Lorelle on WordPress. Every week or so, I’ll publish a Round WordPress post […]

Social Web: The Art of Voyeurism

As I’ve been developing my ongoing series on the Blog Herald called “Exploring Social Media,” I’m constantly intrigued and nauseated at the new voyeurism that is sweeping our world and our online social life. It’s freedom of speech and expression meets voyeurism, changing the word-of-mouth gossip world forever. With the recent announcement of a new […]

Designing WordPress Themes For the Slowing Web

Jonathan Bailey of the Blog Herald wrote about Surfing the Slow Web, a summary of his recent experience trying to connect to the Internet as an evacuee from Hurricane Gustav. While most web designers are pushing the limits of heavy handed design towards high bandwidth, the world still doesn’t work that fast or wide. According […]

The Taboo Topics You Need to Know When Choosing A Web Host

A while ago I asked for recommendations on web hosting features (not web hosts), and while most people recommended their favorite web hosts or complained about them, the list of criteria to look for in a good web host was skimpy. I was thrilled to run across Web Hosting Show’s Secret Taboo Topics in the […]

Blog Building: Who Controls Your Blog? You? Your Host?

Do You Own Your Website? by Healthy Web Design takes a good look at the hidden pain and suffering and control that comes from choosing a cheap web host for your blog compared to making a conscious business decision on how to host your blog. It’s true, companies such as Yahoo!, SiteBuilder, and Homestead offer […]

I Hate My Web Host

No, I’m not moving Lorelle on WordPress. In spite of the limitations, I adore blogging on my blog. However, for over three years I’ve been dealing with a web host from hell for several of my other blogs. It began with promises of less than 24 hours to activate my site and transfer the […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Web Development

Over the past year, I’ve written a lot about web development, also known as website development and blog development. Web Development is the name for the techniques involved in developing your website or blog. What it really is, well, that’s a lot more confusing. People make a lot of assumptions, so let’s look at what […]

Genealogy Blog: Determining What Features I Want in My Blog

Before I can figure out how much this is going to cost as part of my blog budget, I need to know what I want, how much it will cost, and what I’m willing to pay for. To start, I need to look at the features I want in my blog. While I might want […]

Power Blogging: Web Browser Blogging Tips

WordPress and many other blogging tools require you to interface with your blog through your web browser, be it Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, or whatever you are using. While I’ve used any browser I could find on any public and private computer to access my blogs, and I declare Firefox to be the […]

Website Accessibility is Now Getting Serious in the USA

The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect. Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web As a long time advocate of website accessibility and meeting web standards for accessibility, I was amused by the San Fransisco Chronicle News story about […]

Secret Out – How Google Ranks Websites

You might have heard about it this June, but I thought it bore repeating. The secret is out on much of what Google uses to rank your website on their search engine. To read the actual patent information released to the public, see Google’s patent for their search engine ranking technique from 2005 on evaluating […]

Blame WordPress For the World’s Problems

Let’s call this person “wise” using air quotes to give you a description of where they come from in life. This “wise” person confronted to me at a public event to announce that WordPress was evil and must be destroyed. “After all,” he informed me soundly. “While WordPress says it supports freedom of speech, it […]

WordPress School: The Links in WordPress

In Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course today we will explore the most important thing on the web: links. Specifically how WordPress automatically generates links on your site and how you can add these same links within the content and elsewhere on your WordPress site. So far in this course we’ve covered the topic of […]