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Search Results for: top 10 clues you are an amateur blogger

The Top 10 Clues That You Are an Amateur Blogger

This post could be also called “The Top 10 Most Common Writing Errors” or “The Top 10 Mistakes Writers Make”, but I thought “The Top 10 Clues That You Are an Amateur Blogger” was more appropriate. Because, if you want to have your blogging taken seriously, then you need to sit up and pay attention […]

Articles For Serious Bloggers from Matt Huggins

Matt Huggins offers “55 Essential Articles Every Serious Blogger Should Read”, listing some fantastic posts from brilliant bloggers on how to blog, building content, community building, linking, networking, social networks, monetization, and more. This is a great collection work investigating. Related Articles How People Search the Web and How They Can Find Your Blog The […]

How to Know When to Stop Blogging

Blogging isn’t for everyone, and everyone doesn’t need to blog. There are times when you should stop blogging, and there are times to take a rest from blogging. I stumbled across an article on How to Know When Not to Volunteer and it got me thinking. After some consideration, I realized that there needs to […]

Pew Survey of Bloggers: Who is Blogging

There’s been a lot of talk a while ago about the Pew’s survey of bloggers, and here are some of the interesting comments I found on the subject recently. Buzz Machine’s “Who the hell are we, anyway?” brought up the issue of blogging verses journalism. …someone you’d know plopped down in a chair in front […]

What Are Your Favorite Blogging Resources?

Neil Patel of Pronet Advertising has written “My 50 Favorite Blogging Resources”, a great list of blogging resources that may help you learn more and get more out of your blogging experience. The list is divided up into Blogs with Articles that offer up-to-date information on the blogging industry, a list of recommended blogging platforms […]

What Can The Blogger Do to Make Me a Regular Reader?

Pronet Advertising’s article on “Increasing Your Blog’s Readership” sings a song familiar to many of you who read my blog. It’s not just about attracting traffic. It’s about keeping them. Neil Patel of Pronet Advertising explains: When I read a blog, I always think about what the blogger(s) could do to make me a regular […]

The Best Bloggers Edit

In Writing Words vs. Writing Software of Signal vs. Noise, contributor Matt writes about the things he learned by studying writing and how they apply to software. He found some excellent points on writing, rewriting, and editing I felt were worth sharing: I was reading some quotes the other day about the importance of rewriting… […]

You Got To Earn Your Reputation

In a beautiful comment on his announcements of his move from Microsoft to Podtech, Robert Scoble said: So, don’t subscribe to just cause I’m going. Make us earn your subscription! I’d read Scoble’s post the night before I attended my first Marysville, Washington, City Council Meeting to participate in an open hearing on the […]

Blogging Yourself Into a Job: Is Your Blog Your Resume?

Ask yourself this important question: Is your blog your resume? If the answer is yes, then it is especially important that you take your blogging efforts seriously and make sure you have a solid resume within your blog. Blogging is good for your career. A well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your […]

Have Your Favorite Bloggers and Blogs Run Out of Steam?

I’ve been so busy lately with personal and professional things, and with all the Mardi Gras events around the Gulf Coast and editing and uploading photographs, I haven’t taken time to catch up with my feeds recently. I made time today and found that some of my favorite bloggers are either not blogging, haven’t added […]

ProBloggers – Blogging for Beginners Series

Whether you are a novice, beginner, intermediate, or advanced blogger, take time to read through the Blogging for Beginners series by ProBlogger. It covers a wide range of topics that you need to know to help you get started with blogging. And when you come back here, the following related articles will also help you […]

I Love It When You Say Nice Things About Me

I do love it when you all say nice things about me and my work on this blog or elsewhere. I love it when we all say nice things about each other, and we say them publicly as well. There isn’t enough “nice” going on in the world today, so when you can, spread some […]

How Easy is Your Writing to Understand?

In a very valid post, Communication Nation asks “How Easy is Your Writing to Understand”? Are your written messages easy to read and understand? One way to know is to look at how often people respond positively to your requests; or whether they respond at all. Do people read your messages? Or do they skim […]

Website Development – Keywords Help You Write Your Blog

Once I started seriously considering how I used keywords in our online documents, my web writing actually improved. I have a list of keywords for my site, but then I would make a list of the keywords I want to use in my post. I keep thinking, “How can I incorporate these words into the […]

The Writer’s Pulse: How to Survive Writing and Publishing on the Web

In The Internet Writing Survival Guide by The Writer’s Pulse, we’re offered a new perspective on blog and Internet writing and publishing: You can’t get away from it — like an undead zombie, the Internet is always there, growing stronger with each passing day, claiming the social lives of users around the globe. As a […]