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Search Results for: scraping feeds

Weekly Digest: Guest Bloggers Galore, Theme Spam, Blog Scraping, and Personal Blogging

It’s been a week and a half of fabulous guest bloggers bringing some color and excitement to Lorelle on WordPress. Wow! And some babble about WordPress Themes with link spam and vulnerabilities that must be addressed, and blog scrapers stealing content from Blogs. And one of my guest bloggers begins a series on the […] Blogs Feeds Scraped

In the most recent WordPress Wednesday News on the Blog Herald, I reported on the mass copyright violations and scrapings of blogs, as reported by Letters Home to You in “Has Anyone Stolen Your Writing Lately?” and “Please Help Me Get Google to Pull Their Ads from a Blogging Thief”. There is also a […]

The Growing Trends in Content Theft: Image Theft, Feed Scraping, and Website Hijacking

Stealing content directly off your site or blog and posting it on another blog, or even in magazine, is the most common method of content theft. With the increase in technology, other methods of content theft are growing, and are, unfortunately, easy to do. These include image theft, RSS/feed content theft and website hijacking. Image […]

Create RSS Feeds on Any Web Page

Master New Media’s article, “How to Create a RSS Feed From Any Web Page”, is an indepth look at feeds, in addition to good tips on creating a RSS feed from any web page. Sooner or later, and maybe without even knowing the technical terms required to communicate this to someone else, you will want […]

Stop Content Theft Buttons and Badges

During the recent Bitacle Battle of Blogs, the was started and Stop Bitacle buttons showed up on blogs all over the web. Unfortunately, stopping bitacle, a splog that scrapes your blog’s feed content without permission, is just the top of the splog ice berg. To scrape the whole ice berg of content theft, I’ve […]

Applaud Those Who Warn You: Your Blog’s Content Is Being Stolen

I’ve seen a huge jump in the number of bloggers stunned that they, little blogs on the blogosphere map, are having their content stolen and abused through their feeds. Over and over they say the same thing: “I thought only the top bloggers got their content stolen.” BULL. The joke about size doesn’t matter applies […]


Table of Contents What are they saying about Lorelle VanFossen and Lorelle on WordPress Who is Lorelle? Feeds and Subscriptions Claims to Fame Legal Policies Copyright and Translation Policies Comment Policy Guest blogging and contributions Advertising, Marketing, and Reviews Disclosure Privacy Web Accessibility Liability The following are the policies, licenses, and legal issues associated with […]

The Secret Recipe of Comment Spam Comments

Mr. Louis Vuitton just sent me a message in my blog comments I’d like to share with you. I share this touching message because it is highly educational when it comes to the art of spam comments, and serves to remind us of why we love having Akismet, the best comment spam fighter, on our […]

WordPress Anniversary: WordPress and Evil

As I look back on the ten years of WordPress, there is a dark side to blogging. While many blamed WordPress for the evil, like guns, WordPress doesn’t cause evil, people cause evil. In fact, WordPress, Automattic, and the WordPress Community has fought longer and harder against the evil doers in the world than most […]

Blog Struggles: I Need an Eraser for My Old Posts

Online Diary: May 20, 2010 I’d like to go back and erase my old posts. Don’t you feel that way sometimes? Maybe all the time? As I think about talking to the telephone poles out there and reassessing where I am, the urge to purge is overwhelming me. I want to go through all my […]

Watching Launch of Kepler Space Mission Live

I love the Internet. As I write this, I am watching the launch live of the Kepler Mission on NASA TV from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The Kepler satellite will be launched into an Earth-trailing solar orbit to get above the Earth’s atmosphere for a clearer view of outer space with its […]

Protecting Your Content on

By Jonathan Bailey of Plagiarism Today Users of the self-hosted version of WordPress have always had a lot of tools for protecting their site and their feeds. They have always had a variety of plugins for protecting content, including anti-scraping, content theft detection and much more. Even the ability to edit themes and the core […]

Blog Resources for English Language and Blog Writing

I blog in English and it behooves me to get it write – okay, at least once in a while. The challenges I face as a writer are not just generating ideas but finding the write way to convey those ideas. I frequently need to check the spelling or definition of words I come up […]

Where Do You Go For Your Blog Research and References?

I needed to know the dimensions of a US quarter compared to the Euro coins. Where should I go? Hmm, maybe I’ll hop in the car and drive to the library to dig through the shelves for coin collecting books. Nah. Maybe I’ll drive over to that coin and stamp collecting shop I saw over […]

Weekly Digest: Catching Up, Speaking San Francisco, Future Post Mixup, Talking to Blogger Talks, and More

Yikes, it’s been a rough few weeks. Along with some nasty business stuff, which is actually normal in my line of work, I was supposed to be on my first real, non-working vacation in 14 years, which turned into a workation. What should have been normal was much less fun than usual as my husband […]