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Search Results for: problems blogging

Blame WordPress For the World’s Problems

Let’s call this person “wise” using air quotes to give you a description of where they come from in life. This “wise” person confronted to me at a public event to announce that WordPress was evil and must be destroyed. “After all,” he informed me soundly. “While WordPress says it supports freedom of speech, it […]

Power Blogging Tips: Comment on Blogs From Within Google Feed Reader

One of the most frustrating aspects of reading blogs through feed readers is the process of commenting on blogs. The typical step-by-step process is: Scan through the blog post titles. Find an interesting title and click on the title to open it and read. Want to respond or read more? Open the post title in […]

Weekly Digest: WordCamp Dallas, Pasadena Education and Blogging, and More On the Road Blogging and Talking

This week’s Weekly Digest is going to be a quick one, which I’m sure many will appreciate. I’m in Texas for WordCamp Dallas all weekend and so thrilled be surrounded by everyone talking about WordPress and blogging. I’m in heaven! Live near Pasadena? I’ll be there April 2 for the Alliance for Distance Education in […]

WordPress 2.5 New Automatic Plugin Upgrade Problems

I just published WordPress 2.5 Plugins Beware: Automatic Plugin Upgrade Problems on the Blog Herald and recommend that you check it out before using the new Automatic Plugin Upgrade feature in the just released Release Candidate 1 for WordPress 2.5 for beta-testers only. The issue with the new Automatic Plugin Upgrade feature is explained by […]

Define Blogging

CSS For WordPress Unofficial defines blogging as: To me blogging is the passionate expression of a persons thoughts, ideas and creativity to list a few. A bloggers main objective is to entertain and stimulate other individuals minds through the process of writing. Blogging provides an outlet for a somewhat shy person like me to share […]

Weekly Digest: Blogging on Blogging, Speaking at SOBCon and WordCamp Dallas, and More on Blogging

This week has been a busy one as I prepare for two intensive blogging article series coming up in the next couple of months. I doing a lot of research and I’ll give you a hint. One is about personal blogging and the other is about blog writing. Stay tuned for more hints. 😀 I’m […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Blogging

In Basic Blogging Etiquette, Do’s And Don’ts, Plagiarism, Deb shares some tips to help bloggers blog better: I’ve discovered since I started blogging that it’s not possible to be a lone ranger. If you had started your blog as a private diary and you’re satisfied with three visitors a day: your mother, your boyfriend and […]

Public Polling Problems

I know that many of you with full version WordPress blogs use polling WordPress Plugins to test your audience’s knowledge and opinions. Evangelical Outpost has written and interesting article on “The Problem with Public Opinion Polls” which is worth reading if you take your online polls seriously. The primary defect of opinion polls is that […]

Blogging in More Than One Language

Do you blog in more than one language? One of the problems for multi-language bloggers is the issue of switching between languages as they blog. To ease the frustration, there is a powerful WordPress Plugin called Gengo available. Gengo is for blogging in multiple languages. It does not translate posts and users see nothing on […]

Abhijit Nadgouda – SEO Turns Into Passionate Blogging

I’m a fan of Abhijit Nadgouda’s blog, and now Nadgouda’s off onto his own full version WordPress blog, iface thoughts. In a recent post, From Fear To Satisfaction, the move from to a full version WordPress blog is discussed starting with the revelation that most of his blogging has been “completely ruled by […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Blogging and Blogging Tips

This is a blog about blogging, as well as WordPress, and over the past year I’ve written plenty about blogging. When I began this blog, Lorelle on WordPress, was meant to be about WordPress. All about WordPress. I quickly found out that you cannot use WordPress without blogging, so the two fit together. I’ve written […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Splogs – The Dark Side of Blogging

Blogging is wonderful. It is free spirited babbling of all types, shapes, and sizes. Unfortunately, like all positive and wonderful things, there are a negative, nasty side to blogs: Splogs. Unfortunately, because they are part of the dark side of blogging, I’ve written about them over the past year. In “Reporting Spam Blogs: Splogs”, I […]

Blogging Challenge: Write WordPress Tips

I was digging around Technorati looking for something to blog about and I put in “WordPress Tips”, a fairly innocuous tag that I was hoping would generate a bunch of interesting tidbits for me to bring to your attention to help you with WordPress. Well, thank goodness for David Esrati of Blogosopher. Without him, all […]

Hopeless Sensei’s List of Blogging Do’s and Don’ts

Whether or not you are a fan of anime, Hopeless Sensei’s “Anime Blogging – What to do and what to avoid” is a delightful list of things bloggers should do and not do when blogging. While aimed at the anime market and industry, it should apply to all bloggers. Here are a few examples. Do […]

Blogging Pro WordPress Themes and Plugins Contest

Blogging Pro started a WordPress Themes and Plugins Contest on June 23 with a deadline of June 30th. The goal of the contest was to 1) revitalize the WordPress creative community, and 2) feature the best new Themes and Plugins on Blogging Pro to help promote them. Unfortunately, it was a flop. I found that […]