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Blog Exercises: Thinking About Next Year’s Plans

In “Blog Exercises: Intentional Blogging” I encouraged you to review the first exercises in this blog exercise series, putting emphasis on the intentions behind your blogging. I’d like to check in on your editorial calendar today. In “Blog Exercises: The Editorial Calendar” I discussed the importance of adhering to a schedule with your blogging, planning […]

WordPress 2.8 Survey: What Do You Want in the Next Version of WordPress?

Have you given much thought to WordPress 2.8? Well, the WordPress development team is and they need your help and input. With WordPress 2.7 released, work is ongoing for WordPress 2.8 and WordPress wants your feedback. In “Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8,” Jane Wells invites people to take a poll on what are the top […]

Speaking at WordCamp San Francisco Next Weekend

I will be speaking at WordCamp San Francisco next week, covering 260 Ways to Break WordPress and asking WordPress fans for their tips and techniques for breaking WordPress, and putting it back together again. What about you? Have you broken WordPress? How? The line up of speakers for next weekend’s one-day event is the best […]

Lorelle in Chicago Next Week at the Successful and Outstanding Bloggers Conference

I will be at the SOBCon07 – Successful and Outstanding Bloggers Conference in Chicago next week. Will you be there? If you are, we’ll be in good company. SOBCon07 Successful and Outstanding Blogger Conference 2007 Theme: Developing Your Blog Relationships May 11-12, 2007 Chicago O’Hare Sofitel Hotel Registration before April 1 – USD $350. After, […]

WordPress Widgets: The Next Generation of WordPress Plugins

In many respects I think of WordPress Widgets as the WordPress Plugins: The Next Generation. WordPress Plugins which add or change elements in a WordPress Theme can be a challenge to install and configure due to the overwhelming code found within a WordPress Theme. WordPress Widgets overcome the fear as there is no interaction directly […]

Alex King Explores The Next Generation in Blogs

Alex King has rebuilt his blog and started an extensive series about the process and the discoveries he made about the redesign and “new thinking” about how blogs work and how users use blogs. In the first article on this ongoing series, King covers an overview of the changes he’s made to the site. The […]

Blogging Challenge: Sneak Peek for Next Week

I’ve been hinting for weeks that a very fun Blog Challenge will be coming your way and next week is the week! Each week I release a blogging challenge for all bloggers, using WordPress and otherwise. The challenges are designed to help you blog. They get you thinking about how blogs work, how you blog, […]

What’s Next for WordPress 2.1?

Ryan Boren will be telling all at WordCamp this weekend on what is next for WordPress 2.1, and I wish I was there. I expect full reports to me and the adoring WordPress public on WordCamp announcements and events! Site Search Tags: wordpress, wordcamp, wordpress+news, wordpress2, wordpress21, wordpress2.1, wordpress+2, wordpress+21, newsCopyright Lorelle VanFossen, member of […]

Because Ignoring Reality Is The Next Best Thing To Changing It

Recently, a Pearls Before Swine cartoon by Stephan Pastis caught my attention. The conversation between the two pig characters was: “What are you doing?” “Life has overwhelmed me, so I have shoved my head into the sand.” “Why would you do that?” “Because ignoring reality is the next best thing to changing it.” [Fellow pig […]

Next Generation Search Engine Results May Include Profiling

No matter what you may say about it, profiling happens. Police, security forces, military, airport security, and other security officials in the business to judge others for “our protection” do it, whether or not it is legal or “right”. And now Google wants to add profiling to your search engine search results in the near […]

What’s Next? Google Tags

It appears that Google has launched a tagging program very quietly. according to Tech Crunch’s “Google Targets”. You can “tag” your searches as bookmarks in the Google My Search History bar “enabling you to quickly tag and comment any web page you’ve visited”. The service is in beta testing and so far, the reviews […]

A Peak Around the Corner – What’s Next for Firefox

New developments and improvements are coming in all the time with Mozilla Firefox. To take a peak at the next slated developments, check out Firefox 2.0 – The Ocho, the next version up from Mozilla. Just below it is the info on more future versions of Firefox. If you are looking for something similar for […]

Help Name the Next WordPress Version

Ryan and Matt are having a debate. What to call the next version of WordPress. Most of you know it as WordPress 1.6 – subject to change – but they also add a nickname to the versions based upon famous Jazz artists. So far the list has included Miles Davis, Art Blakely, Charles Mingus, and […]

Blog Exercise: New Years Reboot, Restart, Kick Ass

“It’s that time of year when the world falls in love…” The Christmas Waltz by Jule Styne and Sammy Cahn I’d like to think that New Year’s thinking includes bringing back the love to your blog. You might not think that, but let’s go with that belief as we continue with this year’s Blog Exercises. […]

Blog Exercises: Blog a Conversation

In this ongoing series called Blog Exercises, today you will blog a conversation. “I don’t want to.” “Sure, you do.” “Nah. Don’t want to.” “This is a chance to improve your blogging.” “Uh-huh.” “This is a change to improve your writing skills.” “Nope.” “You will do it because I said so. Got it?” “Okay.” Writing […]