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Search Results for: injury

Blog Exercises: What Are Your Reasons For Blogging

We all have our reasons for blogging. Having our say, sharing our experience, teaching, learning, creative outlet, money, reputation, because they told you to…all of these are good reasons to blog, but to keep blogging you need something more. In this blog exercise, I want you to consider the more. It is the answer to […]

Get Angry: Blogger Sued For Comments On Their Blog

When a blogger believes they are alone and the only one, we all lose. In response to my friend, John Pozadzides’ recent experience outlined in “ Is Threatening to Sue Me Over a Blog Comment. Really???,” I want him and all of you to know you are not alone when it comes to the threats […]

Blog Resources: Researching the Research, Finding the Facts, and Seeking Supporting Evidence

As part of my ongoing series on blog resources, covering the many online resources I use to help me blog, you can tell that I don’t deal with rumors or guesses. I like facts. I don’t mind a few estimates, but I like being right when I make a claim or statement, so I work […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Blogging and Blogging Tips

This is a blog about blogging, as well as WordPress, and over the past year I’ve written plenty about blogging. When I began this blog, Lorelle on WordPress, was meant to be about WordPress. All about WordPress. I quickly found out that you cannot use WordPress without blogging, so the two fit together. I’ve written […]

When Blogging is Threatened: Losing a Finger

No, I didn’t lose a finger. I’ve lost the use of a finger. Temporarily. This is the second time is a little over a year that I’ve tried to cut off one of my digits with a knife. Must be that time of life for me. A year ago, I had a run-in with a […]

Developing New Ways of Thinking about Blogging

In a recent story on NPR called Back Pain Treatments Can Be Tailor-Made, a comment caught my attention. Years ago, doctors recommended that patients go to bed and stay there in order to heal. That’s absolutely not the recommendation today. In fact, not moving at all could be the worst medicine. Fishman likens the process […]