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Search Results for: i hate my host

I Hate My Web Host

No, I’m not moving Lorelle on WordPress. In spite of the limitations, I adore blogging on my blog. However, for over three years I’ve been dealing with a web host from hell for several of my other blogs. It began with promises of less than 24 hours to activate my site and transfer the […]

Vulnerability in phpMyAdmin Requires Immediate Patch

A critical CSRF Vulnerability in phpMyAdmin Database administration tool has been found and a patch is available for all computers and servers running the MySQL database. Does this include you? If you are using WordPress, yes it does. Contact your web host to ensure phpMyAdmin is updated immediately. If you are self-hosted and manage your […]

WPEngine Offers Special Discount for WordPress Hosting and WordCamp San Francisco

Rarely will you find me promoting anything commercial here on my site, but I have to give a big round of applause about my incredible, life-saving and life-changing experience working with the amazing team at WPEngine web hosting. I’ll tell the full story later, and it’s one of love, hate, passion, murder, and espionage, but […]

What My First WordPress College Class Taught Me

As the last day of class approaches for the world’s first WordPress College Course at Clark College in Vancouver, Washington, and the next one begins in a couple weeks (filling fast), I’d like to share some lessons my students taught me about WordPress – and teaching. They taught me humility and pride. I stand truly […]

The Taboo Topics You Need to Know When Choosing A Web Host

A while ago I asked for recommendations on web hosting features (not web hosts), and while most people recommended their favorite web hosts or complained about them, the list of criteria to look for in a good web host was skimpy. I was thrilled to run across Web Hosting Show’s Secret Taboo Topics in the […]

Weekly Digest: Hating Web Hosts, Blog Herald WordPress Wednesdays, and WordPress Plugins

Welcome to the second Weekly Digest from Lorelle on WordPress, a one-stop buffet of tips, tricks, and techniques on WordPress and blogging. If you missed it, check out last week’s edition. Released once a week, to add the new Weekly Digest category to your feed, you can use this link: You can also sign […]

phpMyAdmin WordPress Plugin: Database Access from Administration Panels

I’m having a horrible hate-hate relationship with my current full site domain host. I’m looking for the love and there is little or none left. Other SuggestionsFor alternatives, try Adminer WordPress Plugin or Portable phpMyAdmin WordPress Plugin. One of my main whines is the eight clicks it takes me, with two windows which open in […]

Genealogy Blog: Determining What Features I Want in My Blog

Before I can figure out how much this is going to cost as part of my blog budget, I need to know what I want, how much it will cost, and what I’m willing to pay for. To start, I need to look at the features I want in my blog. While I might want […]

My WordPress Theme is Broken

If you are using WordPressMU or, contact your host server or through the Feedback button to fix the WordPress Theme you are using. Generally, before a WordPress Theme is released to the public it should have been thoroughly tested on different browsers and computers, and validated for errors. WordPress Themes usually break after […]

Blame WordPress For the World’s Problems

Let’s call this person “wise” using air quotes to give you a description of where they come from in life. This “wise” person confronted to me at a public event to announce that WordPress was evil and must be destroyed. “After all,” he informed me soundly. “While WordPress says it supports freedom of speech, it […]

WordPress School: The Links in WordPress

In Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course today we will explore the most important thing on the web: links. Specifically how WordPress automatically generates links on your site and how you can add these same links within the content and elsewhere on your WordPress site. So far in this course we’ve covered the topic of […]

The Most Common Tiny Mistakes Made When Setting Up a WordPress Site

I’ve just finished five years of teaching non-stop college and community education workshops and programs on WordPress for beginners, novices, experts, web designers, web developers, web programmers, and those who think they know everything but still realize they have a lot to learn. I love that last group as they are willing to learn and […]

WordPress School: Bookmarklets and User Scripts

In the last tutorial in Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course covering the web browser, your gateway to the web and WordPress, we covered bookmarks and how to save a web page for later access and reading. In this tutorial, we take bookmarks a little further by exploring browser bookmarklets and user scripts, small but […]

WordPress School: Screen Capture Images

In this mini-series of tutorials helping you learn how to create and use graphic images in your WordPress site, we’ve covered header art images, adding text overlays to images, and made a call-to-action graphic with a link wrapped around it, all common uses of images with WordPress sites. I’ve also introduced you to the free […]

WordPress School: Addresses and URLs

Someday someone will write a book about the complexities of website addresses, permalinks, pretty permalinks, nonces, preview links, conditional links, and all of the other linky link links that WordPress uses. Until that authoritative text book is written, you are stuck with my weak explanations. As you move through the various assignments in In Lorelle’s […]