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Search Results for: dynamic web pages

WordPress School: Posts and Pages

Let’s be Lorelle’s WordPress School with the two core content elements of WordPress: posts and Pages. By default, WordPress displays content in posts and Pages. Each behaves differently and distinctively in WordPress, and can confuse people easily. Let’s make this simple. Pages hold timeless content. Posts hold timely content. Please be patient with the videos. […]

WordPress Pages: Exploring the Pseudo-Static Pages of WordPress

I fought long and hard to change the name “Pages” in WordPress jargon. After failing miserably, we’re now almost two years into spreading the word that the pseudo-static web pages on WordPress are called “Pages” and all other pages generated by WordPress are called “web pages” or “post views”. While most of the confusion seems […]

One Year Anniversary Review: Web Design

I’ve reviewed my writings over the past year for WordPress Tips, Tricks and Techniques, Designing WordPress Themes, Accessibility and Usability, and the basics of Web Development, which brings me to the more generalized category of web page design. As I explained in Designing WordPress Themes, designing a blog or website using WordPress is more complex […]

The Question: What Do You Love and Hate About a Website?

BCC News’ Newsnight is having second thoughts on their web design recently and asked a very important question: Web designers should ALWAYS remember: just because it can be done, doesn’t mean it should be done.” Stung by that challenge we’ve resolved to enter a period of rationalization. Let us know what you love and hate, […]

What I Needed to Learn About WordPress

In the last post, I spoke about why I choose WordPress as my site’s CMS program. Along the way, I needed to learn about how WordPress worked as part of the preparation for installing and running WordPress on my main site. First was the issue of static HTML vs dynamic pages. Static vs Dynamic Pages […]

The Most Common Tiny Mistakes Made When Setting Up a WordPress Site

I’ve just finished five years of teaching non-stop college and community education workshops and programs on WordPress for beginners, novices, experts, web designers, web developers, web programmers, and those who think they know everything but still realize they have a lot to learn. I love that last group as they are willing to learn and […]

WordPress School: Two Tab Preview Method

You will be doing too much tab switching and opening during this year-long Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course, so let’s talk about what that is. Tabs are mini-windows inside of your WordPress browser for holding web pages. Browser tabs were one of the greatest addition to the web browser, allowing the user to open […]

WordPress School: Terms – WordPress

Throughout Lorelle’s WordPress School this year, I will be teaching you the words, jargon, and names of things, including their nick names. We’ll start with the word “WordPress.” WordPress WordPress is an Open Source web publishing, content management system platform. That’s a mouthful. Let’s break it down. Open Source Open Source is software for which […]

What Does WordPress, iThemes, Goodwill, Home Depot, and Target Have in Common? Your Identity and Security.

We received a new credit card in the mail today to replace our old one AGAIN. An “unsuccessful attempt” to access our secure security data happened and this is a precaution the bank is taking to protect us. I have no other information so I’m left wondering. Yesterday I received an email supposedly from Home […]

WordPress I Course: Summer at Clark College

My WordPress I course at Clark College in Vancouver, Washington, just across the river from Portland, Oregon, is open for registration for Summer Quarter 2014. The course begins July 7, 2014, on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:30-9:30PM. This is a five credit hour course, 50 hours of all WordPress basics in 8 weeks. The size […]

Russia’s Bloggers Under Attack

If you haven’t been paying attention to one of the largest countries in the world is persecuting bloggers. I’ve written up a summary in the ClarkWP Magazine site produced by my Clark College WordPress students, “The New Blogger’s Law in Russia.” In December 2013, the Russian parliament passed a law to allow the blocking of […]

The Giant Blog Exercise Check List Part 1

July is the midway point of these Blog Exercises and time for a Giant Blog Exercise Checklist to help you keep score of the exercises you’ve done, and what’s left undone. I’ve arranged the blog exercises by similarity, tasks related to each other, rather than chronologically. If you are playing catch up, you might wish […]

bbPress News, Tips, and Plugins

Recently, Matt Mullenweg has been fending off questions about bbPress, the popular open source, free forum platform. This past weekend at WordCamp Denver, and last month at WordCamp Las Vegas, audience members begged for an update on the status of bbPress. He joked in Denver that he felt he was being stalked by bbPress fans. […]

The Art of the Fan-Based Blog: Create a Game Plan

By DB Ferguson of the No Fact Zone Are you ready to plunge into your own fandom blog? Then it’s time you started thinking more like a webmaster than a fan. A fan is all agog with the thrills and spills of their star, but hosting a fandom blog means making a plan and sticking […]

The Art of the Fan-Based Blog: Competition Means Collaboration

By DB Ferguson of the No Fact Zone The first and most important step before even starting a fan blog is to find out the dynamics of your fandom as it currently exists online. Is there an official site? Are there message boards out there dedicated to your subject? Are there already other fan sites? […]