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Search Results for: accessible

Melissa McAvoy Offers 8 Tips for Accessible Blogging

Melissa McAvoy, a web accessibility and usability specialist, shares 8 Tips for Accessible Blogging, a quick list of tips to help you make your blog or website accessible to everyone, including the blind and visually impaired. A lot of the tips make good sense whether or not you are physically impaired. 2. Always include meaningful […]

What I Wish Hillary Clinton Would Say Tonight

I’ve been asked repeatedly to make my views on the US 2016 Election public, even though it goes against all this site stands for, an unbiased educational site to support WordPress users and bloggers. In light of current events, and the impact the web has had on those events, the time has come for my […]

WordPress School: HTML Tags

The last lesson was the HTML and CSS Tutorial, another mini-series on Lorelle’s WordPress School. This is a very basic tutorial on HTML and CSS to prepare you for WordPress site customization and WordPress Themes. This tutorial in the series will help you understand the basics of an HTML tag, the architectural code wrapped around […]

WordPress School: HTML and CSS Tutorial

Over the past week we’ve been learning about the web browser, your gateway to WordPress and the web. This was a precursor to the next mini-series of tutorials in Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course. We are going to learn HTML and CSS. Learning WordPress from the inside out means learning the basic fundamentals of […]

Go Naked: CSS Naked Day April 9

In 2006, the First Annual CSS Naked Day was held, a tribute to honor web designers, the painters of our websites. I celebrate the holiday most years on this site. Every year on April 9, web developers, designers, and those honoring web design and programming celebrate by removing the styles on our sites for 24 […]

WordPress School: Web Browser Shortcuts

In this section of Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course we are exploring the web browser, our gateway to the web, and how it impacts our use of WordPress. In this tutorial you are going to learn some very basic features and functions of the web browser: The Address and Search Bar The Right Click […]

WordPress School: Web Browsers

Do you realize we spend more time talking about the web then understanding how the main tool we use to access the web works? I think we take the web browser for granted. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to watch all those YouTube videos. You wouldn’t be able to let the world know what […]

WordPress School: Visual and Text Editors

In this assignment in Lorelle’s WordPress School free online course we are going to explore the Text and Visual Editors in WordPress. WordPress features the two editors on all posts and Pages. The Visual Editor is the WYSIWYMG editor for writing content. This means it is the What You See Is What You Might Get […]

WordPress School: The Test Site

To participate in Lorelle’s WordPress School, you will need a test site to experiment and play on. This is a site that is not accessible and viewable by the general public, your private playground to experiment and break your WordPress site, but accessible by anyone with a link to the site, which makes it great […]

WordPress School: Posts and Pages

Let’s be Lorelle’s WordPress School with the two core content elements of WordPress: posts and Pages. By default, WordPress displays content in posts and Pages. Each behaves differently and distinctively in WordPress, and can confuse people easily. Let’s make this simple. Pages hold timeless content. Posts hold timely content. Please be patient with the videos. […]

WordPress School

Are you ready to join Lorelle’s WordPress School? Let’s get going. Here is what you need to know. To participate, you need the following: A free site or other test site for experimentation Join and participate in the WordPress School Google+ Community Do the assignments and tasks associated with each lesson Comment on the […]

WordPress Publishing Checklist

The following is a brief summary of the workflow to publishing content in WordPress. Print this out to remind yourself of each step in the process. Consider this your checklist to review before publishing every post until you become accustomed to the process. This is your guide to the WordPress publishing process. This guideline is […]

What Does WordPress, iThemes, Goodwill, Home Depot, and Target Have in Common? Your Identity and Security.

We received a new credit card in the mail today to replace our old one AGAIN. An “unsuccessful attempt” to access our secure security data happened and this is a precaution the bank is taking to protect us. I have no other information so I’m left wondering. Yesterday I received an email supposedly from Home […]

Blog Exercises: Priorities

A friend’s son was working on a school project when I asked him a question. “Not now, Lorelle. I don’t have the bandwidth.” Unfortunately, I’ve had to use it over the past month too many times. Consider this an apology for letting this site lapse recently for these Blog Exercises. Research published in “Scarcity: Why […]

Blog Exercises: Are You Setting an Example for Others?

A milestone in personal rights seemed to have been achieved recently when US basketball player, Jason Collins declared publicly he was gay, hopefully setting an example for others that it is now “safe” to come out of the closet. The news in and around his announcement has me thinking about heroes, mentors, and risk-takers, those […]