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Web Zero: Building Relationships With Your Blog

Blogopreneur’s “3 reasons why 30 blog visitors are better than 300 website visitors” takes a good look at why quality matters over quantity.

When people think about online marketing – the first things that come up to mind is contextual ad system, affiliate links and selling your products online. Its true, blogs may not be the best platform to do that. However, I think blogs are the best tool so far for you to really build a relationship with people in your industry (whom you can collaborate with in the future), your customers (to give them the latest updates) and your prospects.

Don’t limit yourself to just Adsense. Think wider. Think about business. Think about relationships.

It’s not about how many ads you can litter your blog with. It’s not about how much money you can make with those ads. It’s not about how much traffic you can get, especially from one shot digg’s or Slashdots.

Honestly, it’s about the relationships you build between you and your audience. Your ability to interact and knock down walls between you and your readers. It’s about the information you share with others, helping them learn more about their life and what they do with it, and finding the answers to their questions, or challenging them to give you the answers to your questions. It’s about communication.

Let’s get back to the real purpose of the web. The phrase “World Wide Web” wasn’t randomly chosen. It represents the breakdown of all the barriers that kept one machine and person from communicating with another machine and person. It created a universal method of sharing communication. It represents a spider’s web, linking all the bits together with no barriers.

Let’s get back to the basics, ground zero, or call it “Web Zero” (Web 0) and put emphasis back on building relationships.

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Copyright Lorelle VanFossen, member of the 9Rules Network

Member of the 9Rules Blogging Network


  1. Posted January 23, 2007 at 5:25 am | Permalink

    Relationships help. Ever since I’ve become part of 9rules, the personal relationships I’ve had between blogs and bloggers has increased. Hit of course haven’t changed as much, but the quality of interaction between readers and my blog has taken a turn for the better and I feel that it is what blogs are about (especially as a personal blog). This is returning to the beginning, and being a whole lot better at it than before.

  2. Posted January 23, 2007 at 6:25 am | Permalink

    First, thanks Lorelle for the mention. 😉

    Actually I’m just starting to realise this too – that its not really about how many hits you get each month or each day (even though that is the way people put a price tag on your blog). Its really how well you know these people who come along visiting and leaving comments. Even for the case of business blogging for marketing – the core is still about building relationships!

  3. Posted January 23, 2007 at 2:18 pm | Permalink

    Complete agreement. I was very much too focused on stats when I started… now the only stat that really means anything to me is RSS subscribes since that is an indication of engagement.

    /me wishes he was in 9rules

  4. Posted February 7, 2007 at 1:23 pm | Permalink

    I’m still in infancy business-wise…just waiting for the joy of being able to have a real audience…lol. I do agree though, if you don’t capture the surfer, they won’t come back. Most business is captured on the 3rd or 4th visit/email.

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  1. […] “It’s not about how many ads you can litter your blog with. It’s not about how much money you can make with those ads. It’s not about how much traffic you can get, especially from one shot digg’s or Slashdots. Honestly, it’s about the relationships you build between you and your audience. Your ability to interact and knock down walls between you and your readers. It’s about the information you share with others, helping them learn more about their life and what they do with it, and finding the answers to their questions, or challenging them to give you the answers to your questions. It’s about communication.” Lorelle [Web Zero: Building Relationships With Your Blog] […]

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